缺锌怎样补快呀 - 育儿问答(How fast zinc deficiency - Parenting quiz).doc

缺锌怎样补快呀 - 育儿问答(How fast zinc deficiency - Parenting quiz).doc

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缺锌怎样补快呀 - 育儿问答(How fast zinc deficiency - Parenting quiz)

缺锌怎样补快呀 - 育儿问答(How fast zinc deficiency - Parenting quiz) How is the child of zinc Infants with zinc deficiency, will make the zinc containing enzyme activity decreased, causing growth retardation, loss of appetite, and even antifeedant. When the child has these symptoms and suspected zinc deficiency, should ask the doctor to check the blood zinc and zinc, zinc deficiency diagnosed after taking zinc products under the guidance of a doctor. At present, due to the harm of zinc deficiency is much publicized, so that some parents mistakenly treat zinc products as nutrients and give them a large number of long-term intake. But excessive zinc will also bring harm, such as weakening the immune function, the effect of iron anemia caused by. Therefore, daily zinc supplementation in the best way is through food supplementation. The specific methods are as follows: first of all, promote breastfeeding. Secondly, eat more food containing zinc. Zinc rich foods are oysters, herring, shrimp, seaweed, fish meal, sesame, peanuts, liver, beans etc.. Once again, overcome the habit of partial eclipse. Diet should be diversified, eat less refined foods, such as refined rice, refined noodles and so on. At the age of 0-1 zinc diet Meat and egg soup Raw materials: pork tenderloin, egg 1 Practice: pig fillet (1 inches square), chopped into mud, 1 eggs into the bowl, adding egg and liquid as much as the cold boiled water, add meat puree, put a little salt, stir in a direction, and then steam the pot for 15 minutes. After the pot, pour a little sesame oil, sprinkle with some parsley embellishment. For more than 6 months, baby. Live paste Ingredients: chicken or pork 1 yuan amount Practice: the liver into the pot, pour water, no liver, pepper, salt, cooked until cooked. Every time the baby to eat a small piece of cut, cut into Suimo, add rice congee or Steamed Rice eat. For more than 10 months, baby. At the age of 1-2 zinc diet Oyster soup Raw materials: fresh oysters, seaweed, onions, ginger,


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