缺锌(Zinc deficiency).doc

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缺锌(Zinc deficiency)

缺锌(Zinc deficiency) Zinc deficiency Catalog brief introduction Zinc deficiency: Zinc deficient person: Zinc deficiency disease: How to prevent and control: Deaf: Nutritious meal: Open brief introduction Zinc deficiency: Zinc deficient person: Zinc deficiency disease: How to prevent and control: Deaf: Nutritious meal: Open brief introduction 1. is a component of more than 100 enzymes in the human body. These enzymes play an important role in the metabolism of tissues, respiration, proteins, fats, sugars, nucleic acids and so on. 2. zinc is an essential component of DNA polymerase and is a protein synthesis disorder during zinc deficiency. Can cause dwarfism, damage tissue healing difficult, fetal development affected. 3. zinc in saliva protein composition, zinc deficiency can lead to dull taste, loss of appetite. 4. zinc participated in the synthesis of vitamin A reductase and retinol binding protein. 5. promote normal development of sexual organs and maintain normal sexual function. Zinc deficiency leads to sexual maturation, sexual organ hypoplasia, decreased sexual function, frigidity, oligospermia, and irregular menstruation. 6. protect skin health. Zinc deficiency, rough skin, dry, epithelial keratosis and esophageal keratosis, wound healing is slow, susceptible to infection. 7. maintain immune function. According to the function of zinc in the synthesis of DNA, the proliferation of immune cells and the decrease of thymus vitality were caused by zinc deficiency. Because of the role of zinc in antioxidant enzymes, zinc deficiency leads to changes in cell surface receptors. 8., other functions: zinc helps to remove cholesterol in the body, prevent atherosclerosis; zinc helps to inhibit the occurrence of cancer. Edit this paragraph Zinc deficiency: children Taste disorder: anorexia or pica; skin diseases: susceptible to oral ulcers, impaired wound healing is not easy, the growth and development of adolescent acne;: short stature, thin; immunity, often cold, have a



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