网络捐肾要小心(Network donate kidney to be careful).doc

网络捐肾要小心(Network donate kidney to be careful).doc

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网络捐肾要小心(Network donate kidney to be careful)

网络捐肾要小心(Network donate kidney to be careful) The gang across Jiangxi, Guangdong, division of labor, the formation of the chain of interests; behind the boss for drug dealers, to sell more drugs with doctors, illegal kidney In July, Jiangxi Nanchang Qingshan Lake District Court hearing the case of illegal sale of organs, opened a secret deal kidney trafficking chain: from the online recruitment of donor, captive donor kidney transplantation, remote air, and a short period of 5 months, the gang of nearly 40 people in captivity, trafficking kidneys 23, 1 million 548 thousand yuan of illegal profits. This across Jiangxi, Guangdong large kidney trafficking gang, the majority of members who are living kidney donor or acceptor, they are in the interests of the chain at the bottom, top of the interests of the chain is a kidney transplant hospital and medical providers, two collude to grab most of the benefits. The huge demand gap for trafficking kidneys kidney group provides survival and profit margins. Experts believe that the design of a reasonable body organ donation system is conducive to narrowing the gap. Jiangxi near Nanchang Honggutan second-hand car market at a small hotel, cramped space, moldy bedding, October 2011, Tiger Wang (a pseudonym) lived here for half a month. He cant go out, more than 8 meters tall Zhao Zhen of Shandong 24 hours close to take care of him, and provide meals for him. Wang tiger said he ate, slept, slept and ate every day, just like a captive animal. More than 20 days later, one night, the white TOYOTA car will Wang tiger out of the hotel, in the car, Wang tiger was blindfolded. With the blindfold removed, Wang found himself in an ordinary ward, and five paramedics were standing by the operating table staring at him. Wang tiger is a living kidney donor who sells kidney groups from the Internet and is the first link of the kidney chain. The gang members headed by Chen Feng have a clear division of labor, and the captive donors take kidney, o


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