网络正在改变我们的大脑(The Internet is changing our minds).doc

网络正在改变我们的大脑(The Internet is changing our minds).doc

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网络正在改变我们的大脑(The Internet is changing our minds)

网络正在改变我们的大脑(The Internet is changing our minds) The Internet is changing our minds There is no doubt that the Internet has brought convenience to our work and life, but it has changed our brain quietly while changing our lives. When ancient humans first discovered how to use tools, the human brain was quickly and markedly affected. Today, the development of new technologies in the Internet is becoming more and more important to the human brain. Neuroscientists have revealed the plasticity of the human brain, which means that our habits change the nervous system of the brain. The Internet is changing the way we think It takes only 5 days to reshape the brain circuitry ? the brains ability to think deeply has been reduced by the Internet In the study of plasticity, scientists have concluded that an adults brain is not genetically defined in terms of personality and intelligence. On the contrary, nerves are plastic. When we do different activities, the brain will change. Brain scientist and his team did an experiment: 12 Internet old users and 12 Internet novices began using Google, and they had brain scans at the same time. The results showed that the significant difference between the two groups of subjects in a brain cortex called dorsal prefrontal cortex region, its function is to deal with short-term memory and decision-making, the rookies showed activity in this area is weak, and it is very active. He asked 12 Internet users to use the Internet every 5 days in the next few days. On the sixth day, they re scanned the brains of each group -- two groups of brain scans showing almost identical patterns of bright spot activity on behalf of the brain. Thus, the neural circuitry in the anterior part of the brain of the novice is activated only after 5 days of training. This shows that only 5 days of Internet use reshaped their brain circuits. Experiments have shown that nerves are plastic, and that when you engage in a particular activity, the higher the frequency, the


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