胡萝卜家庭药膳食疗(Carrot family diet medicated diet).doc

胡萝卜家庭药膳食疗(Carrot family diet medicated diet).doc

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胡萝卜家庭药膳食疗(Carrot family diet medicated diet)

胡萝卜家庭药膳食疗(Carrot family diet medicated diet) Carrot family, medicated diet, diet therapy, recipe 1, treatment of measles: carrot 250 grams, 250 grams of water chestnuts, coriander 100 grams, add water tea. 3 times a day. 2, treat nyctalopia: 500 grams of carrots, eel meat 200 grams, were sliced, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar fried food, 1 times a day, 6 days for 1 courses. 3, treatment of spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, hypertension, night blindness: 250 grams of carrots, slices, 100 grams of rice, put the pot with boiled porridge, seasoning. 4, governance corneal softening: carrots 100 grams, 2 eggs. Slice the carrots and put them in a pot. Add water to boil. Egg shell, put into cooked, when eating seasoning, drink soup, eat eggs. 1 times a day, 7 days for the 1 course of treatment. 5, treatment of whooping cough: 500 grams of carrots, squeeze juice, add appropriate amount of sugar steamed open day, 2 times a day. 6, treatment of blood deficiency, dizziness, blurred vision: Carrot 250 grams, 300 grams of meat, yam 30 grams, 20 grams of ginger, jujube 5. Mutton is abluent cut, oil pan with a little ginger saute; wash the carrots, yam, jujube wash, slice; and lamb, ginger together into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, the fire to boil, simmer for 2 hours and seasonings zuoshan. 7, the treatment of spleen and stomach qi deficiency, postoperative weakness, poor diet: Carrot 500 grams of fish, 1 (about 300 grams), 100 grams of pork, 10 red dates, 1 dried tangerine peel. All the materials into the pot, the fire to boil, simmer for half an hour, seasoning food. 8, treat children malnutrition: carrots 1, after meals every day, and even for several days. 9 carrots, water frying when tea drink, can be used as adjuvant treatment of diphtheria. 10, carrot water fried, add brown sugar or tea with fried, simple infantile indigestion. 11, carrot juice and onion Daozhi with clothes, also for babies simple dyspepsia. 12, carrot six, Shuijianbi; or each three carrot root,



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