Anne of Green Gables - Natomas Unified School District绿山墙的安妮-萨克拉曼多学区.doc

Anne of Green Gables - Natomas Unified School District绿山墙的安妮-萨克拉曼多学区.doc

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Anne of Green Gables - Natomas Unified School District绿山墙的安妮-萨克拉曼多学区

Anne of Green Gables Book Group Guide Directions: For each chapter you will need to complete discussion questions, vocabulary, and an enrichment activity. Additionally, you will need to write summaries after every five chapters at least. You will use these summaries at the end of the book to write a response to literature essay. You must follow the book group behavior guidelines in order to remain a part of the book group. Failure to keep up with the guidelines will result in removal from the book group. Additional information about each requirement is listed below. Discussion Questions: For each chapter, discuss answers to the listed questions. Make sure that everyone in the group has an opportunity to answer and that each person understands the answers before moving on. All of the questions will be fair game for a comprehension test. Occasionally, you may choose to write about your answers in your reading notebook, but this is not required. Vocabulary: Take the listed words for each chapter, discuss the definition of the word or find the appropriate definition in the dictionary, and rewrite the sentence from the book using synonyms of the vocabulary word. Use the attached vocabulary sheet as an example, but complete this activity in your reading notebook. You do not have to write the definitions of the words, unless you choose to do so. Enrichment Activity: If there is an enrichment activity listed for the chapter, complete it by researching, discussing or both, and write about it in your reading notebook. You should have something in your reading notebook for every enrichment activity unless otherwise noted. Summaries: At least every five chapters, write a summary of what you have read. Once you have learned the 4-step summary method, you must use this method to write your summaries in your reading notebook. You may write summaries more often if you’d like, but you must at least do them every five chapters. After you are done reading Anne


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