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青岛金丰电子物料仓库管理方案 摘要 随着电子信息技术的发展,越来越多的行业将电子信息管理技术引用到企业的仓库管理,电子制造业也不例外。 为了解决金丰电子生产线复杂、多变、快速的物料需求;为了解决仓库混乱繁杂的物料存储;为了从根本上解决物料错误,甚至物料丢失的现状。本方案提供以下主要解决方式: 多级层次化的库位管理,使物理位置与逻辑位置一一对应,方便快速精确的查找物料。 将手持移动终端(PDA)引入到仓库管理,与计算机协同使用,完成对仓库的管理,控制。PDA通过无线网络,与电脑主机相连,实时通讯,不仅可以快速精确的查找物料,完成收料发料操作。并且使工作人员不必往返于计算机和库位之间,大大提高了工作效率,降低人工成本。 唯一条码的引入,使对物料的管理精确的最小包装单位,甚至精确到颗。对每一盘物料入库时建立档案信息,用以追溯物料存储及使用状况。发料时按照先进先出的规则,保证所有物料有效有序地使用。将物料丢失,或者发料错误的风险降到最低。 针对行业的特殊性,方案还提供了对湿敏元件(SMD)的管理,通过控制暴露时间,保证不会降过期的元件使用到产品上。 关键字:电子制造业,仓库管理,SMT,PDA,唯一条码 MATERIALS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QINGDAO KINGFULL ABSTRACT With the development of electronic information technology , more and more industries of electronic information management technology references to the enterprise warehouse management, electronic manufacturing industry is no exception. Kingfull electronic production lines in order to solve complex , varied, fast material requirements ; confusion in order to solve complex materials warehouse storage ; materials in order to fundamentally solve the error , and even the status of the material is lost . The program provides the following key solutions: Multi-level hierarchical location management, the physical location and logical position correspond to facilitate fast and accurate search materials. The handheld mobile terminal (PDA) into warehouse management , used in conjunction with the computer to complete the warehouse management and control . PDA through a wireless network , connected to the host computer , real-time communication , not only can quickly and accurately find material , sends the material to complete rewinding operation . And so that staff do not have to round-trip between the computer and location , greatly improving the work efficiency, reduce labor costs . The introduction of unique barcode , so that the management of the material precisely the smallest packaging unit , or even accurate to the stars. For each material storage disk file created when information for traceability of m


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