从礼貌用语看中西文化差异 英语专业 毕业论文.doc

从礼貌用语看中西文化差异 英语专业 毕业论文.doc

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从礼貌用语看中西文化差异 英语专业 毕业论文

成都XX学院本科毕业论文 Cultural Differences between China and West from Courtesy Language Abstract: Language, as part of culture, is influenced by culture. So is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between China and West lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy languages is proper or not will directly influence the communication. This article tries to analyze the cultural differences between Chinese and Western courtesy languages in their causes and effects on the cross-cultural communication, such as: addressing, greeting, compliments and responses and taboos. And, the paper deeply analyzes the causes for the differences from the histories, customs and social norms. The purpose is to know the use of the courtesy language and improve cross-cultural communication. Key words: courtesy language; cultural difference; cross-cultural communication i 成都XX学院本科毕业论文 从礼貌用语看中西文化差异 摘要:语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的一部分,语言受到文化的影响,是文化的一面镜子。因此礼貌用语作为语言的一部分与文化也是密不可分的,礼貌是文化的重要组成部分.英汉文化不同,英汉语言的礼貌原则也存在差异。礼貌用语在跨文化交际中起着十分重要的作用,是良好的人际关系得以维持的基石。礼貌用语在跨文化交际中使用的是否得体,将直接关系着交际是否能够顺利进行下去,甚至是否能够达到交际目的。 关键词:礼貌用语;文化差异;跨文化交际 ii 成都XX学院本科毕业论文 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 2. Differences in courtesy language between China and western ............................................. 1 2.1 Addressing .......................................................................................................................... 1 2.1.1 The different use of the first-naming ............................................................................. 2 2.1.2 The different use of official and occupational titles ...........................


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