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The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications (无线电通讯的ARRL手册)
The ARRL Handbook for sion Lines, Antennas, Component Data and and References chapter received needed updates
References, Circuit Construction, Station Ac- to the information on component characteristics
Radio Communications cessories, Test Equipment and Measurements, and surface mount devices by Paul Harden,
– The Comprehensive RF Troubleshooting and Repair, Electromagnetic NA5N.
Compatibility and Direction-Finding, Safety, In recognition of the growing range of op-
Engineering Reference Assembling a Station, Space Communications, erating modes and activities, you’ll find updated
Digital Communications, and Image Commu- and expanded chapters on Space Communica-
The 2010 ARRL Handbook for Radio Com- nications tions (satellites by Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and
munications is the biggest handbook ever. Since “Each chapter has been designed to be EME by Joe Taylor, K1JT) and Image Com-
it was first published in 1926, the handbook either an ‘encyclopedia’ (providing descriptive munications (ATV by Tom O’Hara, W6ORG,
has been a mainstay for the radio electronic ex- overviews of current practices and technology) and SSTV by Dave Jones, KB4YZ).
perimenter. A core resource for radio amateurs, or ‘practical handbook’ (focusing on techniques, The book’s accompanying CD-ROM
hobbyists, engineers and scientists, the ARRL designs and projects),” Silver explained. “In inside the back cover once again includes a
Handbook is the single most authoritative refer- either case, Mark and I tried to ensure that searchable PDF version of the entire book,
ence on practical communications topics. It is there was enough in
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