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建设工程测量协议(中英文) AGREEMENT OF SURVEY ON PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ? ? 签署日期 Date of ? 发包人:Employer ? 测量人: Surveying Company (hereafter referred to as surveyor) 发包人委托测量人承担基坑监测、单位工程坐标定位、测量放线、沉降观测任务。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及国家有关法规规定,结合本工程的具体情况,为明确责任,协作配合,确保工程测量质量,经发包人、测量人协商一致,签订本协议,共同遵守。 Employer commission surveyor to undertake the works of pit measurement, coordinate position of unit project, setting out and settlement observation. In accordance with LAW OF CONTRACT and other respecting laws and regulation of State, combine with the particulars of this project, clarify the responsibilities of parties hereto, process coordination and cooperation so as to ensure the quality of project survey, this agreement have been made and entered into by and between employer and surveyor by mutual negotiation for their common abidance. ? 第一条 工程概况 Article One Project Overview 工程名称: Name of Project 工程建设地点: Place of Project 工程规模、特征:建筑面积为3200平方米,人工挖孔桩基础、主体为十层楼框架结构 Size and Characters of Project: Construction area of 3,200 square meters, hand-dug pile foundation and main structure of ten-storey frame. ? 工程内容:负责综合楼的基坑监测、单位工程坐标定位、测量放线 、沉降观测。 Project Contents: Responsible for the works of building’s the pit measurement, coordinate position of unit project, survey and setting out and settlement observation. ? 第二条 发包人应及时向测量人提供下列文件资料,并对其准确性、可靠性负责。 Article Two Employer should provide surveyor in time with following documents / data and be liable for the accuracy and reliability thereof. ? 2.1提供本工程批准文件(复印件),以及用地(附红线范围)、施工、测量报告(复印件)。 Provision of approval documents of this project (photocopy), reports of land (within red line), construction and survey (photocopy). ? 2.2提供工程测量任务委托书、技术要求和工作范围的地形图、建筑总平面布置图。 Provision of power of attorney for project survey, technical requirement and topographic map for works scope, plan of total construction. ? 2.3提供测量工作范围已有的技术资料及工程所需的坐标与标高资料。 Provision of the technical materials which ha


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