
Absolute Intensities in the Hydrogen-Chloride Rotation Spectrum-[Badger R M ]化学.pdf

Absolute Intensities in the Hydrogen-Chloride Rotation Spectrum-[Badger R M ]化学.pdf

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Absolute Intensities in the Hydrogen-Chloride Rotation Spectrum-[Badger R M ]化学

408 PHYSICS: R. M. BADGER PROC. N. A. S. 1 The publication of this paper, written in 1924, was delayed because the authors were busy with other work. The recent discovery made by Davisson and Germer (Nature, 119, p. 558, 1927) gives to the problem of corpuscular diffraction a new interest and importance. 2 P. S. Epstein and P. Ehrenfest, these PROCZZDINGS, 10, P. 133, 1924. 3 Cf., for instance, Enzyklopddie der Math., Wiss. 4M. Planck, Theorie der Warmestrahlung, Formula (64). The factor 2 in Plancks formula arises from his considering a perfectly reflecting element, while we have a perfectly absorbing one. Since this was written, the work of de Broglie and Schroedinger has brought us much nearer to the solution of these problems. ABSOLUTE INTENSITIES IN THE HYDROGEN-CHLORIDE ROTATION SPECTRUM By RICHARD M. BADGER GATis CHZMIcAL LABORATORY AND NORMAN BRIDGZ PHYsicALLABORATORY, PASADENA Communicated May 14, 1927 The development of new quantum theories which purport to furnish a means for the prediction of the absolute intensities of spectral lines makes it important to determine these intensities experimentally in such cases as may be theoretically treated. One of these few is the pure rotation spectrum as, for example, that of hydrogen chloride recently determined in absorption by Czerny.1 This spectrum was used by Tolman and Badger2 in the calculation of integral absorption coefficients, and so for the determination of the experimental Bi,s or the probabilities of transi- tion from one energy state of rotation to the next higher in the presence of radiation which may be absorbed. Since, however, this spectrum was investigated with a spectrometer of not very great resolving power, this process may have led to somewhat inaccurate results.


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