bim虚拟仿真系统在市政工程技术专业教学中的应用探讨 the research of bim-based virtual simulation system on the teaching of municipal engineering.pdfVIP
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bim虚拟仿真系统在市政工程技术专业教学中的应用探讨 the research of bim-based virtual simulation system on the teaching of municipal engineering
第32卷 第1 期 昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 Vol32 No1
2016 年2月 Journal ofKunming Metallurgy College Feb.2016
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009 -0479.2016.01.012
武彦生 ,程永伟 ,高 雄 ,任友昌 ,李 燕a a a a b
(昆明冶金高等专科学校 a.环境工程学院;b.建筑工程学院,云南 昆明650033)
摘 要:当前市政工程技术专业实践教学中,由于受教学场地、实训设备等条件的限制,导致了该专业的实践
教学与实际岗位的能力需求存在明显脱节现象。利用建筑信息模型 (BIM)构建虚拟仿真实训系统可以有效解
中图分类号:F29921;F8124 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009 -0479 -(2016)01 -0059 -04
The Research ofBIM-based Virtual Simulation System on
the Teaching ofMunicipal Engineering
WU Yansheng ,CHENG Yongwei ,GAO Xiong ,REN Youchang ,LI Yana a a a b
(aFaculty ofEnvironmental Engineering;bFaculty ofArchitecture Engineering,Kunming Metallurgy College,Kunming650033,China)
Abstract:In current practice teaching of municipal engineering technology,the practical teaching and
the ability demand ofthe actual position are obvious disconnect due to the limitation ofthe condition of
the teaching field and training equipment.Construction of virtual simulation training system based on
building information model (BIM)can solve this problem effectively.Students establish the information
model ofmunicipalprojects,andthen carryonthe comprehensive design,virtual construction andvirtual
operation.The projectsfull life cycle management and control capabilitieswere initially established.
Key words:municipal engineering;BIM;virtual simulation system
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