化工工艺设计涉及计算的软件介绍(Chemical process design involves the introduction of calculation software).doc

化工工艺设计涉及计算的软件介绍(Chemical process design involves the introduction of calculation software).doc

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化工工艺设计涉及计算的软件介绍(Chemical process design involves the introduction of calculation software)

化工工艺设计涉及计算的软件介绍(Chemical process design involves the introduction of calculation software) This paper contributed by liukaihappy. Doc document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. Chemical process design involves a lot of calculation and simulation process are the main pipeline hydraulic calculation, calculation, utility calculation calculation, heat exchanger design process calculation process calculation and calculation, calculation and selection of rotating equipment, safety valve discharge and the required diameter calculation, torch the discharge valve control system, Cv calculation and selection calculation, calculation calculation, container size calculation etc.. The calculation process usually has a special commercial software or engineering company self-developed software or calculation table. The design company is usually refers to the calculation of the company for the above software design process or after confirmation form. Here is my experience to look at some of the commonly used software. 1. process simulation: ?? ASPEN Plus Pro II HYSYS 2. pipeline hydraulic calculation is calculated Usually engineering company owned form EXCEL, there is no need to use special software. Of course, can also be compiled, generally use the CRANE manual formula is enough. The hydraulic calculation of two-phase flow is very complex, the preparation of their own thankless, with internal validation form to. Calculation 3. utility network computing ?? I used Pipe produced a professor at the University of Kentucky, including Gas 2000, Water 2000, Steam 2000 and a series of. Pipenet is also a good choice. Some people use SimSCI InPlant InPlant. No, useful friends can introduce. The calculation of the 4. heat exchanger design ?? HTRI HTFS two software can. HTRI better with common medium, because it is through the physical data obtained from the experiment. HTFS uses the physical


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