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上海市新场中学高中英语学科一年级上册 一、《Unit2: Traveling around the World》(6课时)教学目标双向表 学习类别 学习内容(知识/技能) 掌握水平 检测方法 识记(A) 理解 (B) 简单应用 (C) 综合应用(D) 词汇 arch, skyline, romance √ 阅读理解中辨认 Advertising, giggle, courteous, hike √(达到拼写程度) 选词填空 instant, belongings, campaign, expectation, direction, treat, locate, appreciate, rank, magnificent, unique, fiercely, aware √ √ √ 单词拼写、中译英、选词填空 the instant, come into view, a bird’s eye view, in all direction, beyond words, point out, fall in love with √ 中译英、看图说话、写作 语法 动名词的完成式 基本结构 句法功能(作主语、表语、定语、宾语) 特殊用法:同一动词后可接动名词,也可接不定式,用法上有些区别 √ √ √ 选择题、改错题、翻译 综合技能 听力 先参阅威尼斯的照片,再根据材料听取相关信息 √ 课堂提问、判断题 听出威尼斯的地位、旅游时所使用的交通工具、名胜古迹及其文化底蕴的展现 √ W-H选择题 阅读 把握文章大意,帮助学生了解泰国的风土人情 √ 课堂提问、概括段落大意 了解文章细节 √ W-H选择题 No matter which引导的让步状语从句 表语从句 常用词:rank, received (a.), remote, raise √ 中译英、选词填空 说话 帮助学生练习语音语调等语言技巧 √ 朗读课文 用英语转述课文大意 √ 复述课文 学生能就暑假去什么地方旅游的事宜做打算 √ 小组讨论、学生自编对话、分角色表演 写作 根据主题写出120字左右的文章 写短文 《Unit1: Traveling arou三nd China》(6课时)教学效果检测 一、课内检测题(题目主要针对目标达成度设计) 第一课时: 1.The following are explanations of some of the words in the text. Match each item with the right word. The first one has been done for you as an example. (A) 1)to be put ( rank) 2) to lie, to stand (locate) 3) a moment of time ( instant) 4) those things which are one’s property (belongings) 5) to understand and enjoy the good qualities of (appreciate) 2. The following is an account of the writer’s climbing experience. Fill in each blank by using the correct forms of the expressions given below. (B) at the top come into view change into in all direction lead up to look up at safety belts take a special class The Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of the world’s most famous bridges, It has long been admired by people at home and abroad. The writer is without doubt one such admirer. However, he was not content just ______________ the bridge towering over Sydney from a distance. He wan


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