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智课网TOEFL备考资料加拿大女子伪装孕妇贩毒被捕一托福阅读机经背景 A Canadian national has been arrested in Colombia after trying to board a flight to Toronto with a phony pregnant belly stuffed with cocaine, police say. The tourist caught the attention of a policewoman at Bogotas International Airport who allegedly asked her how far along she was. She reacted aggressively, which aroused the suspicion of officials who went on to search her. This year, nearly 150 people were caught with drugs at Bogotas airport. About a third of them were foreign nationals, according to the Colombian authorities. Delicate touch The Canadian national had entered Colombia at the beginning of August and was about to board a flight to return to Toronto, when a policewoman asked her how long she had been pregnant. [The Canadian] didnt like the question, which made the official suspicious. Instinctively, she then very delicately touched the ladys belly, realising it was too hard and extremely cold, said the deputy director of Colombias police anti-narcotics section, Colonel Esteban Arias Melo. The woman allegedly said she was seven months pregnant. After performing a body search, the police found two sealed bags stashed inside the latex belly, which contained 2kg (5lb) of cocaine. Colombian authorities say the Canadian national will be charged with drug trafficking, possession and production and could be sentenced to between five and eight years in prison. The drugs would have had a street value price of around $60,000 (£94,000), Colombian police said. Government officials say 874 foreigners are currently being held in the countrys jails, the majority on drug charges. 一名加拿大妇女企图携带毒品登机时被哥伦比亚警方逮捕,特别之处在于,这位妇女“怀孕”的腹部是乳胶伪造的,可卡因就藏在她的“肚子”里。 据英国广播公司等媒体9月11日报道,一名加拿大妇女煞费苦心乔装打扮成孕妇携带毒品登机,却被哥伦比亚警方识破逮捕。 哥伦比亚警方称,在波哥大机场逮捕了28岁加拿大籍女游客塔比莎·里奇。她自称怀孕,企图携带毒品登机前往多伦多,但其隆起的肚子却是乳胶伪造的,可卡因就藏在她“肚子”里。 她在波哥大国际机场引起一位女警官的注意,据说,女警官当时上前盘问她怀孕几个月了。她回答说有7个月身孕,但反应过于激烈,进一步引起警官的怀疑,于是对她进行了搜查。 据哥伦比亚官方称,今年波哥大机场有近


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