Academic Integrity - Roxbury Community College学术诚信-罗克斯伯里社区学院.ppt

Academic Integrity - Roxbury Community College学术诚信-罗克斯伯里社区学院.ppt

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Academic Integrity - Roxbury Community College学术诚信-罗克斯伯里社区学院

Academic Integrity All institutions of higher education have policies regarding academic honesty. Please read the policy we have at Roxbury Community College: Roxbury Community College values academic honesty. Dishonesty such as plagiarism on academic assignments provides grounds for disciplinary action. Cheating occurs when a student does not do his or her own work. Examples: Copying from another student’s exam or other assignment, or allowing another person to copy from your examination or other assignment. Unauthorized collaboration or the use of unauthorized materials during an examination. Taking an exam for another person. The college accepts the American Heritage Dictionary’s definition of plagiarism as follows: the use of the ideas, works, data or writings of another as your own without properly acknowledging the source or sources of these ideas, works, data or writings. Examples: Quoting from a published work without using quotation marks and without identifying the author. Using ideas and information from another person’s work without acknowledging the source, even if the exact words are not copied. In order to avoid unintentional plagiarism, students should familiarize themselves with the mechanics of documentation styles recommended by their professor or one of the following styles: MLA, APA, or Chicago Handbooks explaining these styles are on reserve in the library. The class instructor, as outlined in the course syllabus, administers discipline for a first offense. The Provost will be notified of subsequent offenses that may warrant sanctions in accordance with Roxbury Community College’s Student Code of Conduct. Intellectual Property What is Intellectual Property? Ask Jeeves, and he will tell you: noun: intangible property that is the result of creativity (such as patents or trademarks or copyrights) Intellectual property includes video, music, books, periodicals, internet articles, etc. Intellectual Property Int



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