analysis of the new situation of chinas international trade finance and risk prevention(分析新形势下的中国国际贸易融资和风险防范).doc

analysis of the new situation of chinas international trade finance and risk prevention(分析新形势下的中国国际贸易融资和风险防范).doc

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analysis of the new situation of chinas international trade finance and risk prevention(分析新形势下的中国国际贸易融资和风险防范)

Analysis of the new situation of China’s international trade finance and risk prevention Abstract: International trade finance business with a low risk, high yield, and less on capital advantage, and import and export business of the bank concerned. However, with the international financial crisis impact on the world economy growing, international trade financing environment continues to deteriorate, the banking business and had a negative impact. In addition, because banks and enterprises in the development of this business there are some problems, do not establish risk early warning mechanism, when the risk is coming, the helpless, so to avoid and how to build an effective business risk control measures for trade finance banks and enterprises to expand their business to become one of the priorities. Paper Keywords: new situation, the international trade finance; risks, issues, strategies 0 Introduction Economic globalization, integration of development, China’s foreign trade and increased competition in banking, international trade financing as a result of the unique advantages and focus on the development of banks and enterprises a financial business, but banks and enterprises must carefully analyze and study them risks, especially in the current financial crisis environment, financing should establish risk awareness, efforts to explore a number of targeted policies and measures to mitigate risk, to help our banks and import and export enterprises to obtain financial support , thus promoting the development of China’s international trade finance, foreign demand for stability goal. An international trade finance business trends In recent years, with the high-tech science and technology, accelerate the formation of the international trade supply chain and e-commerce and Internet technology, the pace of development, and promote the development of international trade financing, making the international trade finance in a manner and form of market o



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