analysis of the quality control of the construction engineering foundation project(分析建筑工程基础项目的质量控制).doc

analysis of the quality control of the construction engineering foundation project(分析建筑工程基础项目的质量控制).doc

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analysis of the quality control of the construction engineering foundation project(分析建筑工程基础项目的质量控制)

Analysis of the quality control of the Construction Engineering Foundation Project Construction Engineering Foundation Project common quality problems and the reasons piling construction process, many factors affect the quality of pile foundation general: a. Engineering geological survey report is not exhaustive and accurate; reasonable value of b design ; c. construction of a variety of reasons. analysis and processing of quality problems and pitfalls in the pile foundation construction will affect the structural safety of the building. Category and reasons of common quality problems pile engineering common quality problems hit (pressure): pile capacity is lower than the design value too large piles broken piles, pile connector off from pile excessive deviation of five categories. Caused the reason for the above problem: 1, pile capacity is less than the design requirements for a common cause. The pile sank in deep enough. B. Pile end bearing stratum did not enter the design requirements, but piles deep reached the design value. C. Eventually consistent through the large . d. Others, such as piles too big, fracture and other reasons led to the decline in pile capacity. e survey report provided by the stratigraphic section, the foundation bearing capacity of the data does not match with the actual situation. Piles large common cause of a poor quality precast piles, surface inclination of the top of the pile and the pile tip malposition or deformation, most likely caused by piles b pile driver is not properly installed, the the pile frame with the ground is not vertical. C pile hammer, pile caps, pile centerline do not coincide generate hammering eccentric d pile end case of gravel or hard obstacle e. pile spacing is too small, piling order improper and produce a strong soil squeezing effect. the f. CONSTRUCTION IN improper. Common cause of broken pile pile tilt may produce too large pile fracture: other reasons, there are three: a pile stack



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