ldpc与turbo解码器中的专用控制器设计 design of application specific control processor for ldpc and turbo decoder.pdfVIP
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ldpc与turbo解码器中的专用控制器设计 design of application specific control processor for ldpc and turbo decoder
40 7 2014 7
Vol.40 No.7 Computer Engineering July 2014
·· 1000-3428(2014)07-0001-06 A TN492
LDPC Turbo
( 200433)
LDPC Turbo
LTE 1 Gb/s UMTS 672 Mb/s TSMC 65 nm
490 000 m2 540 MHz
LDPC Turbo
Design of Application Specific Control Processor for
LDPC and Turbo Decoder
HUANG Rui, YANG Qing-qing, CHENG Jie-qiong, ZHOU Xiao-fangPPPP
(State Key Laboratory of Application Specific Integrated Circuit System, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
AbstractThere are a lot of calculations and data transmitting in the flexible Low Density Parity Check(LDPC) code and Turbo channel
decoder. In order to meet the high throughput requirement, the decoder becomes more and more complicated. To solve this problem, an
Application Specific Control Processor(ASCP) is proposed which pre-calculates the encoded data and controls the work of the whole decoder
system. This high output decoder has three requirements for the control processor: high clock frequency, massive specific calculations and
massive data transmitting. By designing the processor’s pipeline, application specific instruction sets, accelerators and memory structure, the
decoder can run at a high paralleled status. As a result, the decoder can meet the high throughput requirement of LTE standard 1 Gb/s and
UMTS standard 672 Mb/s. The placement and routing result is 490 000 m2 with clock frequency 540 MHz using TSMC 65 nm low power
lib and backend layout wiring.
Key wordsApplication Specific Control Processor(ASCP); decoder; pipe
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