Analysis- What career will be replaced by artificial intelligence-(分析-什么职业会被人工智能u2014u2014所取代).doc

Analysis- What career will be replaced by artificial intelligence-(分析-什么职业会被人工智能u2014u2014所取代).doc

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Analysis- What career will be replaced by artificial intelligence-(分析-什么职业会被人工智能u2014u2014所取代)

Analysis: What career will be replaced by artificial intelligence? (Research papers Download News) in the third game of Go man-machine war, the development of artificial intelligence AlphaGo Google beat South Korean players Shishi, the total score of 3: 0 lead, which also means ‘Alpha Dog’ has actually win . Since defeating one of humanity’s most outstanding player on the Go has been the biggest challenge in the field of artificial intelligence, it was a problem to many public ensuing panic - which will be replaced by occupational future of artificial intelligence it? ‘Alpha Dog’ is the number of users of Google AlphaGo AI nickname. Yesterday, the ‘Alpha Dog’ by virtue of a superior algorithm capability, remarkable ‘man-machine war’ in the third consecutive innings victory over the world champions Go, Go Kudan (highest career level segment) LiShiShi player. ‘Machine beat man’, triggering the public artificial intelligence threat to human concerns. Then the ‘Alpha Dog’ who in the end? Its technology is how to go to learn? Artificial intelligence and how far it away from us in the end? Reading ‘Alpha Dog,’ What the hell? ‘Alpha Dog’ is actually an artificial intelligence program Go, developed by London-based Google’s DeepMind company. It is also the first professional Go players can beat the computer software. According DeepMind team presentation, select Go, precisely because of the complexity of chess. Go ‘branching factor’ inexhaustible, moves more than the number of atoms in the universe. Traditional computer program, when board games, use ‘violence computing’ approach, establish tree search for all possible steps, which is based on mathematical and logical reasoning, to every possible path are gone again, selected from the optimal moves. But the Go board has 361 points, many law changes go, Princeton researchers calculated all possibilities exact number of legal chess game 19 * 19 grid Go is a 171 bit - more than the number of atoms i



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