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2004 4 上海交通大学学报 ( 哲学社会科学版) N o 4, 2004 12 V ol 12 ( 38 ) JOU RN AL OF SJT U ( Philosophy and Social Sciences) SU M , N o 38 何晓星, 王守军 ( , 200020) : 中国有关土地问题社会矛盾产生的 提, 是土地资本化的必然趋势; 产生的经济基础, 是土地资本化中的利益分配格局这种分配显示了利益向开发商倾斜的格局构成这种格局的根 源, 是中国特殊的/ 内公外私0 产权制度, 以及经济起飞阶段普遍存在的产业资本稀缺性在特定历 史阶段形成这种利益分配格局是必然的, 从一定意义上来说也是合理的此外, 从来不存在/ 起点 公平0 的分配 : 土地资本化; 利益分配倾斜; 内公外私产权; 产业资本稀缺; 起点公平 : F 124 : A : 1008- 7095 ( 2004) 04- 0011- 0 6 On Interest Distribut ion in t he Land Capitalization in China H E X iao-x i ng , WAN G Shou-j un ( Shangh ai In stit ute For Syst ems Ref orm , Sh ang hai 200020, China) Abstract: T he social problems caused by land in China stem f rom the inevitable t rend of land capitalizat ion, and t he int erest dist ribut ion patt ern in the land capitalization in China is economically respon sible for the exis- t ence of t hese problems T he present patt ern is favorable to land agents T his pat tern result ed bot h from t he prop ert y rig ht system w hose charact erist ic is th at the asset is internally owned by the public but ext ernally ow ned by some individual, and f rom the universal lack of t he indust rial capit al in the ph ase of economic develop- ment It is inevitable and, in a sense, reasonable for such interest dist ribut ion p at tern to com e int o existence In addit ion , t here has never been su ch distribut ion t h at maintains / equity at the start ing point 0 Key words: land capit alizat ion ; benef it dist ribut ed incline; internally Public-ow ned but ext ernally Privat e- ow ned asset ow nership ; indust ry cap it al exigu it y; equ it


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