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Book 2. Module 2. No Drugs 1.在20世纪90年代 in \ during the 1990’s\1990s 在某人30几岁时in one’s thirties 2.死于(外因)die from 死于(内因)die of 3.因此 as a result 由于,因为as a result of 4.与…有关 be related to = be connected with in relation to 关于;与…相比 5.抽烟 smoke cigarettes \ tobacco 6.戒烟stop \ give up smoking 禁止吸烟\吐痰。No smoking \ spitting. 7.比如,例如(多于一个例子) such as 比如,例如(一个例子) for example \ instance 8.心脏病 heart disease 心脏病发作 have a heart attack 9.严重受伤 be seriously \ badly injured 10.查阅字典 look up words in a dictionary refer to a dictionary 11. continue to do sth 继续做某事 doing sth 12.与某人分享某物 share sth with sb 13.危险的 dangerous 处于危险中 be in danger 脱离危险 be out of danger 14.属于 belong to 无 被动语态 无进行时态 belongings 所有物,财物 15.对….上瘾be\become addicted to (doing) sth 16.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许做某事 allow doing sth 17. 非常疼痛 be in terrible pain 18. 闯入 break into break out (战争,瘟疫)爆发 break through突破 break down 坏了;失败;分解;垮掉 break up 分解;放假;关系终止 break off折断 19. ①毒品交易商 a drug dealer ②吸毒上瘾者a drug addict ③吸毒者 a drug user 20. 在附近的街道上 in a nearby street 21. 心率 heart rate 22. 血压 blood pressure 23. 警察,警方 the police +动词复 数 警察局 the police station 24. 接受某人的建议 take \ follow one’s advice advise sb to do sth doing sth 25. 吸毒 take \ use drugs 26. 违反法律 break the law 遵守法律 obey \ respect the law 27. 拒绝干某事 refuse to do sth 28.为了(不)做….in order (not) to do sth (不放句首) so as (not) to do sth 29.很可能…It is\was possible\probable that…… Sb\Sth\It is\was likely that….. 30.在班里做了一个关于…的调查do a class survey on \ about sth 31. 笔友 pen friend \ pal 32.禁止做某事 ban sb from doing sth forbid sb to do sth doing sth 33. 确定一个日期set a date 34. 在未来 in (the) future 35. 散步take \ have a walk 36.推迟做某事put off \ delay doing sth 37. 吸入(新鲜空气) breathe \ take in fresh air 呼出breathe out fresh air 38.列…名单make a list of 39. 放弃 give up


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