天龙八部烹饪攻略(Dragon eight cooking strategy).doc

天龙八部烹饪攻略(Dragon eight cooking strategy).doc

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天龙八部烹饪攻略(Dragon eight cooking strategy)

天龙八部烹饪攻略(Dragon eight cooking strategy) Data sources are collected from the network and are welcome to supplement Recipe acquisition 1. cooking agents from Luoyang or Suzhou have simple recipes 2., in the field when you brush the box, there is a chance to brush recipes 3. to Suzhou pick up the treasure map task, had to dig their own map, there are likely to dig out, this probability is quite large 4. various BOSS, random bursts Chapter 1: material chapter Junior cuisine (cooking level: 1-3) Primary grain: Wheat (planting skills 1), rice (planting skills 2), corn (planting skills 3) Pepper (food associated with 1), mint (food associated with 2 grades), pepper (food associated with 3) Primary impurities (primary ingredients): 1-3 fish Name: grass carp, black carp, crucian carp, carp, perch and swordfish 1-3: clam, seaweed, fish with white shrimp 1-3 grade meat: fresh meat, tender meat, front elbow meat Intermediate cuisine (cooking level: 4-6) Intermediate grain: Peanut (planting skills 4), sweet potatoes (planting skills 5), sorghum (planting skills level 6) Star anise (food associated with grade 4), lettuce (food associated with 5 grades), garlic (food associated with 6 grades) Intermediate sundries (intermediate ingredients): 4-6 fish: butterfish, flat head fish, eel, fish oil, fish, saury 4-6: lobster, crab, fish with clam Class 4-6 meat: hind knuckle, foreleg, hind leg Advanced cuisine (Grade 7 above) Premium grain: Sesame (planting skills 7), mung beans (planting skills 8), soybeans (cultivation skills 9) Broad beans (planting skills 10), potatoes (planting skills 11), taro (planting skills level 12) Mustard (food associated with 7 levels), yellow ginger (food associated with 8 grades), scallion (food associated with 9 grades) Fennel (food associated with grade 10), caoguo (food associated grade 11) and three (food associated 12) naphthalene Senior sundries (advanced ingredients): More than 7 fish, Betta, barracuda, Pomfret, back light fish, whitebait, fishing,



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