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Surrounding of moody lighting, warm and cozy colour tone with red wine partition highlight, customer seems inside an artistic salon showcase. 柔和的燈光,暖暖的木色,及綴以醉人的酒紅色屏風,仿如置身於藝術沙龍之中。 深圳華潤萬象城ARTINI全新開幕,帶來更奢華的享受。設計運用了暖和的紅色映襯於金色的輝煌及水晶的閃爍之中,店內空間更寬敞及舒適,讓顧客置身融合了優雅的古典格調及時尚的環境中,享受於ARTINI購物的樂趣。 The grand new opening of The MIXc, Shenzhen. ARTINI shop make you feel more luxury. Using of red and gold color match with the sparkling crystals, spacious and comfortable. Customers can enjoy shopping in a fashionable and elegance environment. Activities Highlights 品牌活動精選 In Sep 2005, ARTINI have a press conference in Hong Kong Ritz Carlton to launch the latest Phoenix Collection, it has been invited several business partner and media to attend the show. At that day, our honor guest Ms QiQi and Mr Simon Yam have been unveiled the newest image for ARTINI with a product presentation of the Fall/Winter 05 Collection. Phoenix in Victorian Style 香港經典鳳凰系列新聞發佈 2005年9月,ARTINI 於香港中環麗嘉酒店舉行「經典鳳凰系列」新聞發佈會,誠邀各媒體及合作夥伴到場。當日的主禮嘉賓任達華先生及琦琦小姐更為 ARTINI 最新形象及「經典鳳凰」系列主持揭幕儀式,隨後亦由一眾國際知名的模特兒為 ARTINI 2005年秋冬產品進行預演。 After launch the Phoenix Collection, the awareness of ARTINIs luxury and elegance image is continuous increase. As per the rapid development, in Nov 2005, ARTINI have a new shop opened at the palm and intensive location, New Town Plaza in Hong Kong. Also, ARTINI have invited international model Ms. QiQi and our creative director for 2005 FW collection, Mr. Simon Yam to host the lighting ceremony and toasting. New Town Plaza Grand Opening 香港沙田新城市廣場開業 歐陸式的設計一向深受女士們歡迎。「經典鳳凰系列」推出後更令 ARTINI 尊貴的品牌形象佔領更優越的市場位置。ARTINI 的零售發展相當迅速,於同年11月 ARTINI 專門店於人流最集中之地標 - 沙田新城市廣場開設新店,並邀請了品味出眾、ARTINI 今季創作總監任達華先生及國際名模琦琦小姐出席新店的開幕。開幕儀式簡單而隆重,由任達華先生及琦琦小姐一同主持亮燈禮及祝酒。 Dec 2005, ARTINI have a celebration party night of ARTINI Fashion Concerto at Pudong Shangri-La in Shanghai. To celebrate the 1st anniversary for entering China market, ARTINI have invited many guest, celebrities, business partner and medi


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