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关于一阶常微分方程积分因子的求法 摘 要 目前关于一阶常微分方程积分因子的求解方法介绍比较零散,一般的教科书中大都局限在一些简单的情况,如公式法一般只给出含有x或y的一元函数的积分因子的情形,很少涉及到二元的情况,对积分因子的求法并没有一个系统全面的总结,故积分因子的求法有广阔的研究空间.一阶常微分方程灵活多变,有多种不同的方程类型,因而可针对不同类型的方程,研究与其适应的求解方法. 本课题将根据积分因子的定义及性质,通过不同的分类方法,在原有求积分因子方法的基础上,对多种求法进行加深和扩充,系统地总结出一些较为规律的求解方法:观察法、公式法和分组法,给出这些方法的使用条件,并对方法的可行性进行证明,结合具体问题进行分析讨论,通过对这三种方法的研究,解决了某些一阶常微分方程的求解问题. 关键词 一阶,积分因子,全微分方程,观察,公式,分组,通解 The Solution about First Order Differential Equation of Intergral Factor ABSTRACT At present about first order differential equations solving method of integral factor is introduced, the comparison scattered in general mostly confined to a textbook, such as some simple formula general give only contain x or y unary function of integral factor of the situation, rarely involve the condition of dual integral factor of sapce and no system, so overall summary of integral factor of sapce has broad research space. A flexible and order ordinary differential equations, and there are many different types of the equation, thus the equation of different types, with the solving method to study. This topic will be based on the definition and properties of integral factor, through different classification method and way of integrating factors in original for the foundation, on the various sapce for deepening and expanded, systematically summarizes some relatively regular solution: observation, formula and grouping law, given these methods using conditions, and feasibility of the method is proved that combined with concrete problems are discussed, based on the three methods to study and resolve some of the first order differential equation problem solving. KEYWORDS first-order, Integral factor, observation, formula, grouping,general solution. 目 录 1 引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 2 几种变系数齐次线性方程的求解方法…………………………………………1 2.1 降阶法……………………………………………………………………………1 2.2 常系数化法…………………………………………………………………………8 2.3 幂级数法…………………………………………………………………………17 2.4 恰当方程法 ………………………………………………………………………20 3 结束语 ………………………………………………………


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