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主动形式 被动形式 一般式 (not) to make (not) to be made 完成式 (not) to have made (not) to have been made 进行式 (not) to be making 完成进行式 (not) to have been making 作定语 置于被修饰的名词或代词之后。 The next train to arrive is from Washington. 表示将来的动作 Have you anything to be taken to your sister?只有动宾关系则需用被动语态 Do you have anything to say on the question? 与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,同时与句中其它词之间又有逻辑上的主谓关系时,尽管有被动含义,却仍用主动语态 Would you please give me some paper to write on? 与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,如是不及物动词,则需加介词 不定式作定语时定语从句,例to arrive=that will arrive。、作表语 不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作;动名词作表语表示抽象的一般行为。 To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. 当主语和表语都是不定式时,其含义一是条件,一是结果(例)My chief purpose is to point out the difficulties ofthe matter. ③What I would suggest is to put off the meeting. 当主语是aim,duty,hope,idea,mistake,plan,purpose,suggestion等为中心词(例)时,或以what引导的名词性分句(例),不定式说明主语的内容。 Our work is serving the people. ⑤What he likes is taking a walk after supper. ④⑤句动名词作表语,与主语部分可以转换,如Serving thepeople is out work,The story told by Mr.Wang is interesting. 而句中是现在分词作表语,说明主语的性质、状态,、作 1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do) Advise allow appoint believe cause challenge command compel consider declare drive enable encourage find forbid force guess hire imagine impel induce inform instruct invite judge know like order permit persuade remind report request require select send state suppose tell think train trust understand urge warn Father will not allow us to play on the street. 父亲不让我们在街上玩耍 I found him lying on the ground. 用分词做宾补现在分词表达主动,也表达正在进行,过去分词表达被动I found it important to learn. 先加形式宾语,再加形容词,最后加带to =I found that to learn English is important. 带一个从句 此类动词还有get,have。 。。 2) to + be 的不定式结构,作的动词。 Acknowledge, believe, consider, think,declare(声称), discover, fancy(设想), feel find, guess, judge, imagine, know, prove, see(理解), show, suppose, take(以为), understand We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class. 我们认为汤姆是班上最好的学生之一。 3) to be +形容词 Seem, appear, be said, be supposed, be believe


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