npc好感表(NPC preference list).doc

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npc好感表(NPC preference list)

npc好感表(NPC preference list) Each NPC can only send 20 times a day. Send 5 best each time. What a waste.. Less is not given. Remember. Seria (force, intelligence, 100) Common: various unusual resistance recovery agents In fact, there are many things that can be sent to mm.. But these agents are relatively easy to find, you can buy in canina, Will echo: nutritious mushrooms and thick garlic Good feeling: various abnormal resistance recovery agents The return of black oak fruit, wild ginseng,. Reliance: various unusual resistance recovery agents The statue of God will return Hate: Black tequila, black wine Amphora [almost all jar] Common: various unusual resistance recovery agents It will come back: natural cheese, bright tulips Good feeling: various abnormal resistance recovery agents Will return: bright roses, incense molds Reliance: various unusual resistance recovery agents Loopback: unknown Dislike: pieces of cloth Linus General: weathered broken bone, broken iron, the lower rubstone, worn leather. Will return: fungus, nutrition mushrooms Good times: shabby leather The return of the beast: teeth, thick meat, Confidence: worn leather, Echo: the storks wings Dislike: pieces of cloth Albert (strength, intelligence, 100-200) Ordinary time: various abnormal resistance recovery agent, furnace rock carbon Will return: bright roses, bright tulips Favorable when: a variety of abnormal resistance recovery agent, furnace rock carbon Will return: Black acorn, papaya When trust: all kinds of abnormal resistance recovery agent, furnace rock carbon Will return: the breath of life Dislike: lowest hardening agent Go Landis (HP/MP, 163 each) Ordinary time: colorless small crystals Will return: Magic pearls, nutritious mushrooms Good feeling: various abnormal resistance recovery agents Will echo: colorful coral fragments, white radish When you trust: the coin of fate The statue of God will return Hate: unknown Norton Ordinary time: colorless small crystal, furnace rock carbon Will r



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