oracle导入与导出(Oracle import and export).doc

oracle导入与导出(Oracle import and export).doc

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oracle导入与导出(Oracle import and export)

oracle导入与导出(Oracle import and export) There are three ways to backup data and restore data * using the Oracle, exp, and imp commands Look at the following code * using the Oracle, exp, and imp commands using the wizard method * if you export or import a table under the current user, log in with an ordinary user. There are only two options, only the user and the table * if you export or import the entire database, you must be logged in by the administrator, with three options, the entire database, the user, and the table * use the pl/sql developer tool (third party tool) First case: backup *.dmp file A also uses the exp and imp commands B again pl/sql developer uses Oracle import and export Tools / import tables or export tables The second case: the form of the backup insert statement A tools / import tables or export tables B select SQL insert ****************************************************************************************************************** The first way to restore and backup data is using the Oracle, exp, and imp commands How do I view the help documentation for exp and imp commands? Under command line exp -help Under command line imp -help Displays the relevant help documentation for this command Oracle imports and exports are divided into three ways: 1) table mode exports / imports data from the specified table. Export: Export one or more tables: the syntax is as follows: The $exp user/pwd@ service is named file=/dir/xxx.dmp log=xxx.log tables=table1, table2 Such as: $exp, scott/tiger@itcastClient, file=D:/emple.dmp, log=D:/log.log, tables=employees, departments Derive partial data from a table The $exp user/pwd@ service named file=/dir/xxx.dmp log=xxx.log tables=table1 query=\ where col1=... And col2 ... \; Such as: $exp scott/tiger@itcastClient file=D:/emple.dmp log=D:/log.log tables=departments query=\ where department_name=office \; $exp, scott/tiger@itcastClient, file=D:/emple.dmp, log=D:/log.log, tables=departments, query=\, where, departm



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