pdp个性特征测评(PDP personality assessment).doc

pdp个性特征测评(PDP personality assessment).doc

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pdp个性特征测评(PDP personality assessment)

pdp个性特征测评(PDP personality assessment) PDP personal trait Assessment Report Name: Chen Wei Sex: Age: School: Anhui University of Technology and Science Mailbox: 1009192062@ Measurement time: 2010-4-11 PDP (Professional, Dynametric, Programs) is a tool that provides a concise, direct way of examining the individuals style of behavior, that is, examining the style of work that a person is gifted at. It has been widely used in the organization adjustment, personal inventory, recruitment selection, training needs analysis, communication and incentive and other fields, called the evaluation system of the simplest and most direct, the most accurate and most effective. Everyone has different personality and habits, behavior patterns, and animals also have different characteristics. The evaluation of the human personality can be roughly divided into: tiger, peacock, koala, owls and chameleons five. Each persons body will have these five characteristics, the five characteristics are not bad, only different, but also with ability, etc. no matter, but each person plays a leading role in different characteristics. Here are your scores on four types: If you have a score is much higher than the other four, you are the typical attribute; if you have a two score higher than the other three, you are a combination of the two animal; if you are quite close to the score, Congratulations, you are a perfect character. If you are a person; a very low score, want to improve their needs in an animal that strengthen the work on the property. Tiger type (dominant Dominance): 24 points (the expression of type Extroversion type Peacock): 22 (patient Pace/Patience) koala type: 23 owls (exact type Conformity): 24 chameleons (integrated 1/2 Sigma): 22 Tiger - type (Dominance control) Tiger general strong ambition, love adventure, positive personality, strong competitiveness, all love control does not love to maintain the status quo, issue orders left and right, but the action is strong, once establ



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