ro料理材料(Ro cooking materials).doc

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ro料理材料(Ro cooking materials)

ro料理材料(Ro cooking materials) STR cuisine X5, the old grasshopper locust hind stir pan x1, x1 MHP+5%, STR+1 of edible oil Cold water sticky web web X20, X10, yellow green herb herb X10, x1 MHP+5%, STR+2 white light soy sauce Explosive steak, x4, x1, green herb X10, chili X5, chili sauce, x1, MHP+5%, STR+3 Herbs, pickled meat, X5, red herbs, X3, yellow herbs, X2, green herbs, X3, sweet soy sauce, x1, lemon, x1, MHP+5%, STR+4 The gingerbread City Mrs. X10, honey X2, sweet potato pancake edible oil x1, X3, x1, MHP+10%, carrot grain STR+5 Shiny brush X10, honey X2, fleshy yellow herb x1, she della fruit x1, MHP+10%, MSP+2%, X20 scales with STR+6 Whole BBQ meat, X10, kindling, x1, coal mine, X2, chili sauce, x1, horse, which branches x15, white herbs, X10, MHP+10%, MSP+4%, STR+7 Special cuisine, X10 X20 bear paws carrot, pumpkin head, X10 X2, x1 Xinalei leaves of aloe leaves, pale white soy sauce x1 MHP+15%, MSP+4%, STR+8 The blood vessels in X40, reinforced Shakespeare Gallery pot x1, cheese X10, spicy soy sauce x1, X2, x30, mine green herb X10 MHP+15%, MSP+8%, STR+9 ink The tongue cuisine X20, pan x1, slender snake alcohol x1, aloe juice X2, spicy soy sauce x1, X5, X10 and propolis leaves, MHP+20%, MSP+10%, X2 blue potion STR+10 AGI cuisine Frog egg, ink soup, grain x1, frog egg, X10, ink x1, MHP+3%, MSP+1%, AGI+1 The smooth run of x1, pale white soy sauce noodles grain x1, X5, X3, carrot pumpkin head MHP+3%, MSP+1%, AGI+2 A cheese soup, cheese, X10 X10. X5 x1, delicious sweet potato sweet soy sauce, MHP+3%, MSP+1%, AGI+3 Spicy Gingerbread City Grain X3, Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce soy sauce x1, a spicy ice angle X10, red Luobo X10, MHP+3%, MSP+1%, X10, pumpkin AGI+4 Bat wings pumpkin steamed red bat wings X20, X20, x1, head of the pumpkin pot Xinalei leaves X10, MHP+6%, MSP+2%, X10 red herb AGI+5 Red pepper shrimp soup, shrimp, red pepper X20 X20 sweet soy sauce x1, MHP+7%, MSP+2%, AGI+6, lemon X20 Crocodile roast vegetables, steamed tiger lizard skin X10, pumpkin h



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