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DOVE - Do yOu loVe mE Flipped(初遇,怦然心动): In the spring of 1919, Princess Charlotte ,the royal heir of Luxembourg (卢森堡王室继承人) , married Prince Felix of Bourbon(波旁皇族). As a member of the royal kitchen(王室后厨), Leon was busy cleaning up dishes and plates, preparing for the luxury wedding ceremony. One day, When Leon was cleaning his wounded hand caused by the daily hard-work, a young girl with clean eyes and easy smiles went into the kitchen and said:”it must hurt”.Then she helped him bandage the wound and leave Leon a tube of ointment(一管药膏) before she left. Later , Leon learned that the girl he met was Princess Bazaar, the one that had been in his heart for the rest of his life . Fall In Love(坠入爱河): Then, love began to grow in the two young people’s hearts .Since then , Leon and Bazaar slipped(偷偷溜入) into the kitchen` almost every night,Leon made ice creams for the Princess and Bazaar taught Leon English .Together, they shared the delicious ice creams and interesting things that happened to them. Day by day, the young girl and the young boy fell in love with each other, but they had never expressed their love feelings because in a world where status and prestige meant everything, they knew their love could never be possible.So they both buried the love into the depth of their hearts . Misunderstanding(误解): Unfortunately, one day Princess Bazaar was told she had been chosen to marry another Prince。Then , Bazaar just vanished(不告而别).Leon could not find her anywhere until one month later ,Bazaar came back , looking gaunt, asked Leon to make ice cream for her one more time.When Leon was preparing the ice cream, he felt that it might be the only chance for him to voice his heart.So he wrote four letters DOVE with hot chocolate on Bazaars favorite ice cream, believing that Bazaar could understand the meaning once she saw them. But Bazaar didn’t eat it until the hot chocolate melted. Separation(分离) A few days later, Bazaar marr


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