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大学生服装消费的调查分析报告 专业: 班级: 学号: 姓名: 指导老师: 摘 要 作为新生一代代朝气蓬勃的大学生,他们追求自己的个性并引领时尚,也有着强烈的消费欲望,但是由于他们是纯粹的消费者,在客观上制约了他们的购买力,因此需要关注大学生的消费心理与消费行为就显得尤为重要。 大学生的审美导向在一定程度上影响着整个服装产业的发展方向。在对时尚流行的感知与追求上,大学生与新富群体有明显的传递性与较强的一致性,他们普遍对流行时尚的元素有着较高的敏感度。关注大学生的消费行为、引导其正确消费,使之养成良好的消费习惯,已经是整个社会所关注的问题。以大学生消费群体为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方式,对大学生服装消费基本问题进行调查,分析大学生的消费特点,可以为服装行业提高一定的营销策略,同时也能针对地应到大学生正确消费。 关 键 词:大学生;服装消费;调查;分析报告 ABSTRACT Nowadays the college students,a new and vibrant generation,they chase the personality,lead the fashion, and hold a strong desire for the consumption.However,for they are also pure consumers ,their purchasing power are restricted objectively, thus it is of great importance to pay attention to their psychology and behavior of the consumption. The aesthetic of students guiding to some extent affects the development direction of the entire garment industry. On the perception of fashion and the pursuit of new rich group of college students with a clear pass and consistency stronger, they generally have a high fashion element sensitivity. Concern for consumer behavior, consumer guide its right to make develop good spending habits, has a problem of concern to the entire community. Consumer groups of college students for the study, through interviews and questionnaires, clothing consumption attitudes of college students to conduct research. By interviews and questionnaires, we take university students as subjects and study their attitudes towards garment consumption,analysis of the consumer characteristics of college students and improve certain marketing strategy for the apparel industry, and the same time university students should be able to correct for the consumer. KEY WORDS: college students; clothing consumption; investigation; analysis report 目 录 1 绪论 4 1.1 大学生服装消费 4 1.2 研究现状与文献综述 4 2 大学生服装消费调查概况 6 2.1 调查目的 6 2.2 调查方法 6 2.3 调查过程 6 2.4 问卷整理 6 3 调查问卷分析 6 4 当代大学生服装消费的特点分析 11 4.1 实用性 11 4.2 消费额差异较大 11 4.3 具有彰显个性和追求群体行为一致性的双重特点 1


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