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Chapter 2 Business Letters1.范文一:征询信息按照惯例,求职信与个人简历中通常要列出几位推荐人(Reference)的姓名、职务与地址,供录用单位进一步咨询或了解情况;推荐信上也会注明推荐人的姓名、职务与地址,便于招聘单位获得应聘者的更多信息。东方航空公司初步决定录用蒋珊珊以后,需要了解更多关于她的情况,以便安排她到天津机场工作。于是,人事部经理登特向蒋珊珊的推荐人倪哲诚写了下面这封信。CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES COMPAMY LIMITED2240 S WentworthChicago, IL 60616Phone: 312-326-1218Fax: 312-326-4928Phone: 800-790-6982 February 15, 2003Mr. Ni ZhechengCTS Electronics Company, Ltd.53 Mu Ning RoadTianjin 300457Dear Mr. Ni,Re: JIANG SHANGSHANGJiang Shanshan has been accepted for a position as Passenger Service Agent with China Eastern Airlines at Tianjin Airport.In order for Jiang Shanshan to work at Tianjin Airport, she must have a special PASS which would permit her to visit high security areas. She has given your name as a reference.I would appreciate it if you could complete the enclosed form and return it to us as quickly as possible. She is due to start work with us on March 15, but can only do so after we receive you reference.Thank you for your cooperation. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.Yours sincerelyJ. P. DentJ. P. DentPersonnel Manager2.范文二:业务介绍业务介绍信是公司企业用来与其他单位建立业务关系的信函。这种信函通常由三部分组成:一是自我介绍,介绍本公司的经营范围、规模、历史等;二是正文,可介绍或描述公司推销的产品或要购买的产品,也可提及建立业务关系的原则与交易的条件;三是结尾部分,一般可提出彼此合作、发展互惠互利贸易关系的希望,或对进一步接触做出安排,还可以列出随信寄送的附件。Red Mansion Antiquities29 Fuxingmen DajieBeijing 100000P. R. of ChinaJuly 1, 1999Mr. Jan Van der ReepEstate Specialist AssociatesHaarlemThe NetherlandsDear Mr. Van der Reep,(Introduction)I am writing to introduce myself and my company. My name is Shao Jianbo and I am with an antiques company in China.(Body of the letter)Our company would like to establish ties with you for a mutually beneficial relationship. We buy and sell antiques. It is our understanding that you, as estate appraisers and consultants , are involved in the disposition of antique furnishings.(Conclusion)I am enclosing my card and our company brochure. It would be great pleasure to meet you personally. I will be calling you next week to see what we can arrange.Your


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