2009病例分析公式(51个疾病)(2009 case analysis formula (51 diseases)).doc

2009病例分析公式(51个疾病)(2009 case analysis formula (51 diseases)).doc

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2009病例分析公式(51个疾病)(2009 case analysis formula (51 diseases))

2009病例分析公式(51个疾病)(2009 case analysis formula (51 diseases)) 2009 case analysis formula (51 diseases) Case analysis formula (I) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (new contents) The old person + cough, phlegm, gasp = chronic bronchitis Barrelchest + hyperresonance = emphysema Elderly patients with cough, phlegm and asthma + + + + barrelchest hyperresonance pulmonary function =COPD Chronic respiratory disease + sign of right heart failure = cor pulmonale (two) pneumonia; Young + cold + heat + wet rales + rusty sputum = lobar pneumonia Infants + cough, dyspnea + dyspnea sign (ALA flap + three concave sign) = bronchopneumonia Cyanosis + nose fan syndrome (+), three concave syndrome (+) + two lungs can smell and wheeze and moist rales + fast breathing, heart rate = Zuo Xinshuai Liver edema + double lower limb edema = right heart failure Children + paroxysmal irritative cough + joint pain = mycoplasma pneumonia (three) bronchial asthma (new contents) Juvenile + allergic rhinitis + episodic wheezing + full lung wheezing = bronchial asthma (four) lung cancer (new content, assistant does not test) Middle and old people + smoking history + irritating cough (or sputum with blood) + burr (irregular edge) = lung cancer (five) respiratory failure (new contents, assistant examinations) Elderly patient + chronic respiratory system history + Purple + blood gas = respiratory failure PaO2 60 mmHg Type 1 respiratory failure PaO2 60 mmHg + PaCO2 50 mmHg Type 2 respiratory failure PH 7.35 acidosis PH 7.35 alkalosis Chronic respiratory disease + consciousness disorder = pulmonary encephalopathy (six) tuberculosis, tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy, tuberculous pleurisy and intestinal tuberculosis (new contents) Low fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss = TB symptoms Cough, expectoration, hemoptysis + tuberculosis symptoms + antibiotic treatment is not better = tuberculosis Thoracic distention + + + partial tracheal fremitus decreased turbidity and decreased breath sounds + +



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