妇产科病例(Obstetrics and Gynecology cases).doc

妇产科病例(Obstetrics and Gynecology cases).doc

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妇产科病例(Obstetrics and Gynecology cases)

妇产科病例(Obstetrics and Gynecology cases) Complete case history Name: Chen Occupation: no Gender: female address; Guangzhou City Age: 43 years old, admission time: 2012-02-14, 9:00am Marriage: record time for married patients: 2012-02-14, 10:00am Nationality: Chinese medical history statement: patient himself Native place: Guangdong, Luoding Province, reliable degree: reliable Main complaint: ultrasonography revealed 5 years of myoma of uterus and prolonged last menstrual period to 26 days. History: 14 years old patients with menstrual cramps, menstrual period, about 5 days, a period of about 22-23 days. Classics quantity is much, everyday use sanitary towel 7-8, without dysmenorrhoea, clot. Usually leucorrhea quantity is not much, no peculiar smell, asexual cross pain, sexual intercourse bleeding. LMP:2012-1-11. 5 years ago, ectopic pregnancy, B ultrasound revealed fibroids (specific size, location unknown), no obvious menstrual extension and increased volume, leucorrhea increase, without the lower abdomen discomfort, backache, no abnormalities of defecation. No special treatment was performed. After conservative treatment, the volume of ectopic pregnancy was lower than before, and 5-6 tablets were used every day, but there was no obvious change. The last menstrual period extended to the beginning of February, the amount of partial brown, as usual, during Ougan left abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache. 2012-2-4 then went to Luoding Maternal and Child Health-Care Hospital for diagnosis and treatment. B ultrasound showed fibroids The posterior segment of the uterus can be seen as a hyperechoic mass, approximately 98mm x 73mm x 96mm, with a clear and convex margin. Drug treatment (specifically unknown), after the volume decreased, February 6 cleaner. Now for further treatment of income, my division. Patients with mental illness since, sleep, stomach nake become normal, and no significant change in body weight. Weight 75KG. Menstrual obstetrical history:


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