承德仁爱医院蓝氧净疗系统全方位诊治盆腔炎(Chengde Charity Hospital blue oxygen treatment system all-round diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease).doc

承德仁爱医院蓝氧净疗系统全方位诊治盆腔炎(Chengde Charity Hospital blue oxygen treatment system all-round diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease).doc

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承德仁爱医院蓝氧净疗系统全方位诊治盆腔炎(Chengde Charity Hospital blue oxygen treatment system all-round diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease)

承德仁爱医院蓝氧净疗系统全方位诊治盆腔炎(Chengde Charity Hospital blue oxygen treatment system all-round diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease) Chengde Charity Hospital blue oxygen treatment system all-round diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease The clinical symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease are characterized by lower abdominal pain, general malaise, high fever, headache, increased leucorrhea, irregular menstruation and many other symptoms. The acute period of pelvic inflammatory disease can be cured quickly. If the treatment is not complete, it can be delayed to chronic diseases, and even womens infertility can be caused seriously. It has greatly affected womens physical and mental health. Blue oxygen net treatment system is the representative of the international advanced equipment of cutting-edge technology of non operative treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, by electricity, heat, magnetism, massage and other ways for lesions were diversified, multi-level and multi angle treatment, breaks through the traditional single mode in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic infection is caused by mixed infection Liu Xiaojie, 24 years old, YW abortion after half a year ago, half a month with vaginal blood, then after curettage, menstruation became normal, vaginal bleeding appear intermittently, so far three weeks is not clean, accompanied by bursts of abdominal pain and general malaise. Accompanied by her boyfriend, to Shanghai Baiyulan Womens Hospital in Shanghai. After Shanghai Baiyulan Womens Hospital gynecology expert diagnosis and treatment, qualitative for YL incomplete merger caused by pelvic inflammatory disease, this and the patient after abortion weak constitution, the cervix of the uterus after expansion has not been properly closed. At this time, the bacteria in the vagina and cervix may also go up to the pelvic cavity. Because there are still placenta and fetal membranes in the cavity, the chance of infection will be fur



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