妇产科病例分析(Obstetrics and Gynecology case analysis).doc

妇产科病例分析(Obstetrics and Gynecology case analysis).doc

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妇产科病例分析(Obstetrics and Gynecology case analysis)

妇产科病例分析(Obstetrics and Gynecology case analysis) Case analysis of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1, the puerpera, 5 years ago underwent caesarean section 1 times, now 37 weeks pregnant, childbirth process parturient feeling abdominal pain. Check the house: 34 cm high, fetal LOA, floating head, fetal heart rate of 152 beats per minute, 50 seconds /2 strong contractions, uterine body, flat umbilical area depression, maternal dysphoria, BP120/80mmHg, P110 / min. What is the diagnosis of the patients with possible? In the process of observation, maternal sudden pallor, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, hematuria, BP70/40mmHg, P124 / min. What is the new diagnosis that might come at this point? What is the treatment principle of choice? 2, 26 year old primipara, 38 weeks pregnant, regular contractions 17 hours, a small amount of light yellow vaginal liquid Uterine outflow, 25 seconds /6 - 8, fetal heart rate of 150 beats per minute, anus check: Palace mouth open 2 cm, cervical edema, fetal head S 2, no obvious bony abnormalities. What is the diagnosis of the patients with possible? It should be what kind of treatment? If the observation after half an hour of fetal heart rate monitoring CST 110 / min, frequent late deceleration, then any new diagnosis? What should be done? 3, at the age of 29 pregnant women, 32 weeks of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding within 3 weeks, two times more than the amount of menstruation, without abdominal pain, BP100/80mmHg, P96 / min, uterine height 30 cm, 85 cm in circumference, near the palace at the bottom can touch the soft and fetal irregular, fetal heart sounds clear 144 / min.. What is the diagnosis should be considered? What is the preferred auxiliary examination? What is the treatment principle of the patients right? 4, female, 32 years old, menopause 56 days, 3 days ago began to have a small amount of intermittent vaginal bleeding, yesterday began the right lower quadrant mild pain, this morning strengthen, vomiting 2 times. Gynecological exam


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