技能2(Skills 2).doc

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技能2(Skills 2)

技能2(Skills 2) 1. bioavailability (bioavailability): the percentage of drugs reaching the systemic circulation (= amount of blood to enter / dosage) after administering a given dose of any given route. It is an important index to test the quality of pharmaceutical preparations. 2. half-life (half-time) plasma drug concentration decreased by half the time required for t1/2=0.693/Ke. 3. primary elimination kinetics (first, order, elimination, kinetics): the plasma concentration of the drug drops to a certain proportion of the original drug concentration at intervals. 4. zero order elimination kinetics (zero, order, elimination, kinetics): drugs in plasma eliminate certain amounts at regular intervals. 5. enterohepatic circulation (enterohepatic cycle) is secreted into the drug and its metabolites in bile through the bile duct and common bile duct into the intestinal lumen, and then discharged with the feces, after the drug bile into the intestinal cavity can be absorbed through the intestinal epithelial cells by the liver into the blood circulation, the liver, bile, intestinal. Cycle is called the enterohepatic circulation. 6. inducer (enzyme): a drug that enhances the activity of enzymes or accelerates their synthesis. Such as phenobarbital, phenytoin and so on. 7. liver enzyme inhibitors (enzyme, inhibitor): drugs that attenuate the activity of enzymes or inhibit their synthesis. Such as isoniazid, chloramphenicol and so on. 8. treatment index (therapeutic index): the ratio of the median lethal dose and the median effective dose (LD50/ED50), the greater the ratio, the greater the relative safety, and the smaller the opposite. 9. receptor desensitization (receptor desensitization): the phenomenon of decreased sensitivity and reactivity of tissues or cells to agonists after long-term use of an agonist. 10. receptor sensitization (receptor, hypersensitization): the increased sensitivity and reactivity of tissues or cells to their agents after long-term use of an antagon



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