四年级英语下册《There be句型》微课教学设计.doc

四年级英语下册《There be句型》微课教学设计.doc

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四年级英语下册《There be句型》微课教学设计

四年级英语下册《There be句型》微课教学设计 《There be句型》微教学设计 学校:口镇中心小学 设计者: 时间: 微基本信息 知识点名称 There be句型 学科类型及其对象 语法 小学英语四年级下册 上时间长度 10分钟 教学资 与环境 PPT 教学目标 1、讲授There be句型的定义及结构 2、正确使用There be句型的肯定,否定及一般疑问形式 教学过程 Tda ell learn “there be” 一:There be句型的定义及结构 1、定义:There be句型表示某地有某物或某人。 2、结构:一共分为三种 (1) There is +单数可数名词+ 地点状语 There is a b n the des There is an ubrella in the bag (2) There is +不可数名词+ 地点状语 There is se il in the up There is se sheep and a n the far (3) There are +复数名词+地点状语 There are fur hairs in the living r There are se birds and a balln in the s 从以上例句中我们可以发现there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,be动词表示“有”,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的单复数保持一致。Se既可用于可数名词也可用于不可数名词。 二:There be 句型的变化 1:变成否定句 There be+nt+某物+地点状语。 There be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上nt 注意,is nt的缩写是isnt,are nt的缩写是arent 当肯定句中有se时,要将其改为an(疑问变化也一样)。 There isnt a b n the des There isn’t an ubrella in the bag There isn’t an il in the up There isn’t an sheep and a n the far There aren’t fur hairs in the living r There aren’t a lt f birds and a balln in the s 2:变成一般疑问句 , There be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。 基本句型:Be + there+某物+地点状语? 回答:es, there + be \ N, there + be +nt - Is there a b n the des? -es,there is - Is there an ubrella in the bag? -N,there isn’t - Is there an il in the up? -es,there is - Is there an sheep and a n the far?- N,there isn’t -Are there fur hairs in the living r? -es,there are - Are there a lt f birds and a balln in the s?- N,there aren’t 三:开动脑筋练一练 1 There_______a beautiful garden in ur shl 2 There __________se bread n the table 3 ________there an aps n the all? ________,there is 4 There __________tent dess in ur lassr ________there a up f tea n the table? N,there ________ 6 There_________se apple uie in the glass 7 There_____ t hairs and a bed in her r 8 There __________se hildren in the par 9 There__________a teaher and an students in ur lassr 10 There__________an range n the table 设计理念与特色 使用PPT将There be句型的定义,结构,肯定、否定及一般疑问形式都能熟练掌握,学


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