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本科学生毕业设计 汽车轮毂的结构与模具设计 院系名称: 汽车与交通工程学院 专业班级: 车辆工程 07-9班 学生姓名: 顾立鹏 指导教师: 王国田 职 称: 实验师 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一一年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree The Structure of Automobile hub With Mold design Candidate:Gu Lipeng Specialty:Vehicle Engineering Class:07-9 Supervisor:Experimental division. Wang Guotian Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2011-06·Harbin 摘 要 本文以汽车轮毂为研究对象,基于产品研究开发的一般流程,制定了产品结构设计、工艺方案设计、模具设计的技术路线。借助CAD等工具,对汽车轮毂结构设计与性能分析、并对模具造型、铸造工艺等进行了设计。 首先介绍了我国轮毂模具的现状、发展趋势及我国模具发展的新技术,其次围绕轿车轮毂模具进行设计,针对轮毂的结构特点,确定模具的型腔数目、分型面以及脱模机构。汽车轮毂的成型工艺方法较多,以挤压铸造生产轮毂的工艺方法现今多处于研究阶段。本文根据挤压铸造的工艺特点,对汽车轮毂挤压铸造模具设计进行了分析总结,并对模具型腔进行了结构设计,查阅模具设计手册,完成模具的总体设计。同时充分利用计算机绘图软件对零件进行设计, 利用Pro/E对零件进行三维造型, 并实现零件的三维装配和模具设计。通过本次设计,对模具整个设计过程有了较好的了解。 关键词:模具;镁合金;汽车轮毂;挤压铸造 ;模具设计;低压铸造 ABSTRACT This paper mainly research on automobile wheel.Based on the general process of product development,the technical route is made including product structure,processscheme and mould.Using the software of CAD, such as the structure design of automobile hub with performance analysis, mould modelling, casting process design, etc. China introduced the aluminum mold wheel status quo first time, development trends and Chinas development of new technologies die, followed aroundthe family car aluminum wheel design tool for the structural characteristics of wheel, the mold cavity to determine the number of surface as well as from mode institutions. The method about molding process of magnesium alloy wheel is multiple.The way ofmanufacturing automobile wheel wim squeeze casting is not ripe on its research stage.Thispaper summarized main points of the squeeze casting mould,Check the manual mold design, mold choice to determine the structure of mold size, mold designcompleted. At the same time make full use of computer graphics software to design parts using Pro / E sional modeling of parts and components to achieve thethree-dimensional assembly and m


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