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重点句型: 见到你很高兴。 见到你很也高兴 你来自那里? 我来自北京。 这是大明。 你多大了? 我13岁了。 请欢迎汤姆和莉莉来我们学校。 你爸爸是做什么工作的? 图书馆在哪里? 它在教室的旁边 我没有兄弟。 谢谢你的邮件。 你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么? 重点语法: 1.动词be 的一般现在时的用法。(顺口溜) 情态动词can 的用法(无人称变化。后跟动词原形) 2.There be 句型: (1.)就近原则 (2.)there be+n.+ doing sth.有……正做……事。 (3.)对There be 句型中的主语提问用:Whats +地点状语/时间 状语。 (4.)对There be 句型中的数量提问: How many+可数名词+are there +地点状语? How much+不可数名词+is there +地点名词? (5.)There be句型中,反义疑问句的附加部分应用there. 3.名词的数。 Language point: 1.too / also / either / as well 2.some /any (if 条件句中常用any,而would you like句型中常用some,而不用any.) 3.in front of /in the front of behind / in /at the back of 4.Whats ones job? What do /does... do? What is / are...? 5.Thank you for sth./Thank you for doing sth. Thanks for sth./Thanks for doing sth. 6.How old are you? /Whats your age? 7.Welcome...to... 51.Thanks ___ e-mails to me. A.for write B.to write C.for writing D.writing 52.If you don’t know how to say something in English,you say ‘__’. A.I’ll start now B.I don’t nuderstand C.Excuse me,how do you say that in English? D.I.m sorry,I don’t know 53.Can you ___ the words in English? A.speak B.talk C.tell D.say 54.Freddy often ___ at home and ___TV on Sunday. A.stay,watches B.stays,watch C.is staying,watches D.stays,watches  55.A:Oh,you look so beautiful. B:_____. A.No,I don’t B.Yes,I do C.Not at all D.Thank you 56.Mum,___ at 5:30 tomorrow morning. A.wakes me up B.wakes up me C.wake me up D.wake up me 57.A:Who teaches ___English?B:Mr Wu does. A.they B.their C.them D.your 58.You shouldn’t watch ___TV of films. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.si many 59.Mr Black,I can’t ___ you well. A.listen B.listen to C.sound D.hear 60.No news ___ good news. A.are b.is C.be D.will be 61.Each of them ___ready for the coming exam now. A.gets B.get C.is getting D.are getting 62.The shop __ from 8a.m. to 9p.a. every day. A.opened B.is open C.closed D.is opened 63.He spends 10yuan __ a comic book. A.to buy B.buy C.buying D.buys 64.A:Is this ticket___? B:Yes,


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