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Do you smoking ? ? If the no, then you should be cheering for yourself. If is so you have to think not to continue smoking to go? ? Loss of free Smoking addiction, who lost limbs from trapped space of selection of individual freedom. They walk out the door to bother to check personal cigarettes, lighters and buy cigarettes, whether that will change with the invisible chained by smokers. How to quit smoking? * Why do you say that? The whole world has about 11 million smokers, including more than 70 percent of the smokers distribution in developing countries. Global about 47 percent of male 12 percent of women smoke, every day and eight to 10 million young adults become long-term smokers. By 2025 the number of global smoking will reach 16 billion. By 2020, is the number of tobacco kills more than any other to a kind of disease, worldwide, die from smoking related diseases will number more than AIDS, tuberculosis, dystocia, car accidents, suicide and murder caused the death toll combined. In addition, the smokers age is also more and more young, gradually to young crowd spread. Let people grieved unceasingly. The Harm of Smoking Smoking causes many harmful diseases like lung cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, etc.Smoking leads to more health . ? Damage the body ? Hurt others If children live with some smokers with the respiratory system, if they will be more vulnerable to infection. Other conditions, problems including increase cough, wheeze, phlegm, damaged lung function and reduce lung development. Smoking is not only for myself, but also bring harm to children, some scholars disaster investigation and analysis of 52 a pregnant women and found her husband on the number of cigarettes every day with fetal prenatal mortality and congenital oaf birthrate proportional to the. 1.Aldehyde, nitrides, olefins class, these substances a stimulating effect of respiratory tract. 2.Nicotine classes, can stimulate sympathetic nerve, make smokers form dependent. 3.Am



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