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THE CLASSIFICATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS malleable 展性的 ductile 延性的 galvanize 镀锌、电镀 blast 鼓 风 volatile 易挥发的 inhalation 吸 入 amalgam 汞 齐 sulphate 硫酸盐 blue vitriol 胆矾、硫酸铜 hydrate 水合物 electroplate 电镀 科技英语的翻译标准有三条:信,达,专业术语正确。要求译者必须准确理解和掌握原著的内容,决不能主观发挥译者个人的想法和推测。译者在确切理解原著的基础上,又必须很好地运用本语言把原文通顺、流畅地表达出来。 It would be impossible to learn properties and behavior of even a fraction of this number if it had to be done on the basis of individual compounds. 如果根据个别化合物来了解这么多化合物的性质和行为,即使其中的一小部分也是不可能的。 Fortunately, most chemical compounds can be grouped together in a few classes. 幸运的是,大部分化合物可以被划分为几类。 Then,if we can properly(适当地,完全地) classify(分类,分等) a compound, we are at once aware of(知道,意识到) the general properties of the compound from knowledge of the properties of that class or group of compounds. 如果我们要把一个化合物完全归类的话,根据这类化合物性质的有关知识,我们马上就会知道这个化合物的一般性质。 For example, HCl is classed as an acid, and by becoming familiar with the behavior of acids as a distinct(清楚的,明显的,截然不同的,独特的) class, we are at once aware of the general properties of the compound. 例如,HCl归类为酸,由于已经熟悉作为不同类别的酸的性质,我们就会立即知道这一化合物的一般性质。 A great many of the compounds we are to study may be classified as acids, bases, salts, metallic oxides, or nonmetallic oxides. 我们要研究的大量的化合物可以划分为酸、碱、盐和金属氧化物或非金属氧化物。 Of these five classes of compounds, the first three—acids, bases, and salts—are by far the most important. 在这五类化合物中,前三类显然是最重要的几类。 When an acid, base, or salt is dissolved in water the resulting solution is a conductor of the electric current(电流,水流,气流) and is termed an electrolyte. 酸、碱或盐溶解在水中所得的溶液可以导电,因此专业术语为电解质。 If no conduction of current occurs, the compound is known as a nonelectrolyte. 如果此溶液不导电,那么此化合物就是非电解质。 By looking at the chemical formulas we may classify many common compounds in the following way. 通过观察化学分子式,我们可以把很多常见的化合物进行以下分类: 1.Acids,in the conventional sense,may be recognized(公认的,经过验证的)by noting that the H is writtten first in the formula and that


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