
Comments on Dover Beach 多佛沙滩评论.doc

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Comments on Dover Beach 多佛沙滩评论

Comments on Dover Beach   摘要:   多佛沙滩是一首由四个小节每个小节有十四行的抑扬诗,前两节每节有十四行,却又不是严格的十四行诗,这首诗可以被称为“一系列非独立的十四行诗”。这首诗在艺术上是一首忧沉的诗,作者采用“感情误置”这种方式,把人们那种悲哀之情付于无生命的物体上,在本诗中,他就把人们的这种感情寄托给了大海,读者可以在欢愉的节奏本身体会到那种忧郁。在本诗的主题和结构上来看,在诗的开头,作者描写了沙滩上夜晚的景色,然后把描写转移到了听觉上,以描写海波的声音,这种海波的声音引起一种悲伤的情绪。第二节介绍了Sophocles关于人类起伏而感到悲哀的观点,与前一节形成了一种对比的情景,在第三节中大海转向了大海的信仰,为那段时间做了个比喻,那段时间人们依然在崇拜着宗教,但是新时代的到来却带来了达尔文思想,工业革命等。总之,本诗运用不同的方式表达了一种悲伤的感情和对人类社会起伏的同情。    关键词:Form and structure theme and subject       Comments on Form and Structure    Dover Beach consists of four stanzas, each containing a variable number of verses. The first stanza has 14 lines, the second 6, the third 8 and the fourth 9. As for the metrical scheme, there is no apparent rhyme scheme, but rather a free handling of the basic iambic pattern. In stanza 3 there is a series of open vowels (Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar (l. 25). A generally falling syntactical rhythm can be detected and continues into stanza 4. In this last stanza one can find seven lines of iambic pentameter (l.31-37), with the rhyme scheme of abbacddcc.   According to Ruth Pitman, this poem can be seen as a series of incomplete sonnets, and David G. Riede adds:  The first two sections each consist of 14 lines that suggest but do not achieve strict sonnet form, and except for a short (three foot) opening line, the last section emulates the octave of a sonnet, but closes with a single, climactic line instead of a sestet — as though the final five lines had been eroded. (197)  The thoughts do not appear as obviously structured and organized as in Calais Sands, which is accentuated by the fact that run-on lines are mixed with end-stopped lines. In the first stanza the rhythm of the poem imitates the movement of the tide (l.9-14). [Roy Thomas, How to read a Poem? (London: University of London Press Ltd, 1961) 102. Hereafter cited as Thomas.    Terms of Art    Dover Beach is a melancholic poem. Matthew Arnold uses the means of pathetic fallacy, when he attributes or rather proj



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