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毕业论文(设计) 题 目 院 系_________________ 专 业 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师_________________ 职 称_________________ 来自企鹅毕业设计网 QQ:736858727 摘要 本系统依据开发要求主要应用于网站教学管理,完成对日常的教育工作中教学大纲发布;公告发布;课件上传;学生在线自测等的数字化管理。开发本系统可比较系统地对教务、教学上的各项服务和信息进行管理,同时,可以减少极大地节约教学成本,加快查询速度、加强管理,以及国家各部门关于信息化的步伐,使各项管理更加规范化。为了使学生们更方便地讨论话题,特设有留言版功能,让学生们可以自由在线发言。教师可随意发布课题,课件,在线测试的题目,和在线测试的结果查看,并记录所有学生的测试时间,记录等。管理员能够对所有的资源类别,课件,教师和学生进行管理。紧密地把学生,教师,管理员的关系构画出来。让教学更加数字化简单化。 关键词: 教学管理;在线测试;课件下载;ASP.NET Abstract The system is mainly used in Web site development requirements based on teaching management to complete the daily work of education syllabus issued; announcement; courseware upload; students such as online self-test of digital management. Development of the system can be more systematically on the academic, teaching the various services and information management, while dramatically saving education to reduce costs, speed up queries, strengthen management, and state departments of information technology on the pace so that all item management more standardized. To make it easier for students to discuss the topic, the ad hoc features a message board so that students can speak freely online. Teachers are free to publish topics, courseware, online test questions, and online test results to view, and record the test time for all students, records. Administrators to the resources of all types, courseware, teachers and students to manage. Close to the students, teachers, administrators of the relational dimension drawn. Make teaching more digital simplistic. Key words: teaching management; online test; courseware download; ASP.NET 目录 第1章 论绪 1 1.1 教学系统的背景 1 1.2 教学系统研究的意义 1 第2章 系统开发的技术基础 1 2.1 ASP.NET概述 1 2.2 三层架构 2 2.2.1概念简介 2 2.2.2概述 2 2.2.3优缺点 2 2.3 ASP.NET的发布 3 2.4 B/S结构 3 3可行性分析 4 3.1 技术可行性 4 3.2 经济可行性 4 3.3 操作可行性 4 第4章 需求分析 5 4.1功能分析 5 4.2 系统功能结构设计 5 5 数据库设计 1 5.1数据库系统概述 1 5.2数据库的基本结构 2 5.3数据库表之间关系视图 4 5.4在SQL Server中创建表格 4


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