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“Annabel Lee” Is a tragic tale of love and loss. Was published after his death. Was written after the death of Poe’s young wife. It is believed that the poem was written for her. Theme Eternal love. the love remains alive–eternal–because the souls of the lovers remain united. The death of a beautiful woman is a common theme in Poe’s writing. First Stanza Notice the recurrence of m and n sounds (alliteration). Second Stanza Seldom did any angels envy anything of the human world. If they did, there must be something spectacular in the object of their admiration.—and that is their love. Third Stanza a cloud: Using these words instead of the sky infuses foreboding and gloom while symbolizing the dark envy of the seraphs. Fourth stanza out of a cloud by night: Use of this phrase emphasizes the dark envy of the angels and their sneaky scheme (which unfolds under the cover of night). chilling and killing: an example of internal rhyme Fifth Stanza (1) earth, the realm of humans; (2) heaven, the realm of angels; and (3) hell, the realm of demons. The love between him and Annabel is stronger than any other earthly love and can survive the sinister efforts of the angels and the demons to sabotage蓄意破坏 it. ever, dissever: internal rhyme Sixth Stanza Poe stresses imagery of light in this stanza, associating moonbeams with dreams about his beloved and the radiance of stars with her eyes. Assonance: the repetition of vowel “And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride. Devices of sound- the unifying force Alliteration 头韵 Internal rhyme 中间韵 Assonance半韵 Repetition 重复 Imagery意象 Comments on Poe Edgar Allan Poe is the most controversial and the most misunderstood literary figure in the history of American literature. “我不在乎我的作品是现在被人读还是由子孙后代来读。我可以花一个世纪来等待读者。” In America Emerson: “the jingle man” (noisy) Mark Twain: His prose is unreadable. Henry James: “an enthusiasm for Poe is the mark of a decidedly primit


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