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“形象思维”的发展、终结与变容 【专题名称】文艺理论 【专 题 号】J1 【复印期号】2010年01期 【原文出处】《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》(京)2009年5期第103~110页 【英文标题】Image-thinking: Its Development, End and Transfiguration 【作者简介】高建平,中国社会科学院研究生院文学系教授、博士生导师 “形象思维”观点最早来源于俄国,20世纪30年代传入中国。50年代到60年代初、1978年到1985年,“形象思维”两度在中国引起了激烈的讨论。这些讨论与中国1949年以后的“意识形态”建构的任务和几十年间的社会政治状况,以及美学和文艺学的研究的总体发展联系在一起。前一次讨论对“美的本质”起了平衡作用,后一次讨论引发了新一轮的“美学热”。自从1985年以后,对“形象思维”的讨论走向低潮,但这一讨论却化身为文艺心理学、文学人类学研究和古代文论中的“意象”研究。以上几个途径都是“形象思维”的积极的发展,值得肯定,但是,认识论上的经验的和符号的态度,可以提供更多的启示。对艺术特征的理解,曾经经历了“是认识”、“是一种特殊的认识”、“不是认识”这三个阶段,我们需要有第四阶段的理解,这第四阶段的核心,可以概括成一句话:“还是认识”。 Image-thinking as a term of aesthetics and literary criticism originated from Russia, and was brought into China in 1930s. During the two periods between 1950s and early 1960s and between 1978 and 1985, there were two great debates on image-thinking in China. These debates were closely connected with the task of establishing socialist ideology, with the social and political condition during the several decades from 1949 to 1980s, and with the development of aesthetics and literary theories as a whole. The first debate played a role in balancing the discussion of the essence of beauty when there was a great discussion of aesthetics, while the second one initiated a new round of craze of aesthetics. The debate of image-thinking, nevertheless, fell into a decline since 1985, but the results of the discussion were transformed into three forms of academic studies at that time, such as psychology of literature and art, the anthropology of literature, and the study of idea-image as a special topic for interpretation of ancient Chinese literary theory. The author considers that all these three lines of thought above are positive development for the study of image-thinking and should be appraised and glorified, but some other ideas will prove to be more fruitful, such as the experience as a term from pragmatism, the symbol as a term from semiotics. The features of art were once regarded as being recognition, being a special kind


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