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本科生毕业设计(论文) 超市存物箱模拟装置设计 二级学院 :******* 专 业 : 年 级 : 学 号 : 作者姓名 : 指导教师 : 完成日期:2017年5月15日 超市存物箱模拟装置设计 专业名称:*** 作者姓名:**** 指导教师:**** 论文答辩小组 组 长: 成 员: 论文成绩: 目录 1绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2电子密码锁的发展趋势 1 1.3设计目标 1 1.4芯片方案选择 1 2系统硬件设计 2 2.1整体方案设计 2 2.1.1系统概述及框图 2 2.2最小系统模块 2 2.2.1STC89C52简介 2 2.2.2最小系统电路 3 2.3液晶显示电路 4 2.3.1 1602液晶简介 4 2.3.2液晶显示模块电路 4 2.4按键输入模块 5 2.5存储芯片模块电路 6 2.5.1存储芯片的介绍 6 2.5.2 AT24C02模块电路图 6 2.6蜂鸣器模块电路图 7 2.7继电器模块电路 7 2.8 HX711、压力传感器模块电路图 8 3软件设计 9 3.1程序流程图设计 9 3.1.1总体程序流程图设计 9 3.1.2液晶程序设计 12 3.1.3矩阵键盘的扫描流程设计 13 4电路、程序调试及硬件组装 15 4.1软件仿真 15 4.2电路板设计 18 4.3元器件的选择与测量 19 5总结及研究展望 20 5.1总结 20 5.2研究展望 20 参考文献 21 致谢 22 附录 23 附录A元件清单 23 附录B原理图 24 附录C PCB图 24 附录D实物图 25 附录E程序 25 超市存物箱模拟装置设计 作者 关键词:密码锁;液晶;矩阵键盘;电磁锁;AT24C02;继电器;压力传感器 Design of Locker Simulator In Supermarket author **** Advisor **** (School of Information Engineering,Lingnan Normal University,ZhanJiang,524048 China) Abstract:With STC89C52 microcontroller as the core,the hardware circuits of the design including alarm buzzer,matrix keyboard,LCD1602,electromagnetic lock,ADC module,pressure transducer and AT24C02.This design achieves the functions of password setting,identification and storage, and the operations of rely driver and electromagnetic lock as well as the trumkful prompt of its pressure transducer.The single-chip microcomputer will receive the password and compare it with the six-bit password stored in EEPROM.There are one million different combinations of the six-bit password that can be changed at random,which provides a sound confidentiality.If the password were correct,the single-chip microcomputer would drive the open of electromagnetic lock;otherwise, SCM would send out the signal of alarming through communication line and the buzzer would raise the alarm. Keywords:Password lock; Liquid crystal display;Matrix keyboard;Electromagnetic lock;AT24C02;Relay driver;pressure transducer


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