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PEP小学英语四年级下册知识汇总 全册 一、词汇 三会单词 playground( ) garden( ) teacher’s office( ) library( ) canteen( ) art room ( )computer room( ) washroom( ) music room( ) gym( ) TV room( ) .lunch( ) English class ( ) music class( ) breakfast( ) dinner( ) P.E. class( ) get up( ) go to school( ) go home( ) go to bed( ) sweater( ) jeans( )pants( )socks ( )shoes( ) shorts( ) jacket( ) shirt( ) skirt( ) dress( ) T-shirt( ) hot( ) weather ( ) rainy( ) windy( ) cloudy( ) warm( ) cold( ) cool( ) snowy( ) sunny( ) colourful( ) pretty ( ) cheap ( ) expensive( )sneakers ( ) slippers( )sandals( ) boots( )tomato( )cucumber( ) potato ( ) onion( ) carrot( ) sheep( ) hen( )lamb( )goat( )cow ( ) 计算机__________ 写字板_________ 风扇_________灯__________ 讲台__________ 图画___________ 墙壁 ________地板_________ 一 ________ 二 ________ 三_________四_______五________ 六 _______ 七________ 八_________九 _________ 十_____ 语文________ 英语 ________体育_________ 音乐______ 夹克衫__________衬衫________裙子_______连衣裙________ T-恤衫_______红色_____黄色______绿色 _______白色_______蓝色 暖和的________ 寒冷的_________ 凉爽的______ 下雪的______ 晴朗的______ 牛仔裤_______ 长裤______ 袜子_____ 鞋子______ 大的_______小的_______ 长的________ 短的______ 漂亮的_____ 苹果_______ 香蕉________ 梨________ 橙子________西瓜______ 马________ 猫_______兔子_______ 猪______鸭子_______ 狗_____ 十一 ________ 十二_______ 二十_______ 十三_________十五___ That your computer is this a Is teacher’s desk ? time is What it ? It time is class math for colour is What it ? this your Is T-shirt ? 句型 1、.Where is the canteen? ---- It’s on the first /second floor. 2、Do you have lunch at school ?-----Yes . 3、Is this \that the library?------Yes, it is. \No ,it isn’t. 4 . What time is it???It’s two o’clock.. 5. What colou


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