班轮工会存在的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of liner trade unions).doc

班轮工会存在的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of liner trade unions).doc

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班轮工会存在的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of liner trade unions)

班轮工会存在的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of liner trade unions) The liner is two or more than two operating liner shipping company, on a particular route or a specific area of each route, in order to reduce or avoid competition, maintain the interests of each other, the agreement on Tariffs and other business activities and the establishment of the organization of international shipping enterprises has some monopoly nature of the business the. Liner conference In the international carriage of goods by sea, the shipping companies of major maritime countries engaged in liner shipping constitute a supranational shipping monopoly organization that protects and coordinates the rights and interests of each other. Also called freight conference. At the end of the nineteenth Century, the international shipping competition became increasingly fierce. In order to avoid damage to the interests of competitors competing for lower prices and competing for supply, in 1875, 7 British shipping companies formed the United Kingdom Calcutta liner conference. Each ship agreement and the lowest rate Souci aeromagnetic hair. Since then, there has been a great development of the liner conference. At present, there are more than 360 liner conferences throughout the world, which are all over the major shipping lines, and are controlled by shipping companies in developed countries. The liner conference is divided into two types: open guild and closed guild. Open associations are more common in ports associated with the United States and are regulated by the relevant authorities of the United States government. The terms of admission are to agree to the rates stipulated by the association and to abide by the agreement of the association. The closing ceremony of the association requires that the membership be passed by all the members. Most of the liner associations are closed associations. The mission of the liner conference is to stipulate the minimum fare to be observed, and to control the com


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